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Tape Compression in the SBS Backup Wizard

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Paulie Posted: Thu, Apr 20 2006 5:12 PM
Anyone know how to turn on compression with a capable Tape drive having used the SBS Backup wizard?

Seems to be straightforward with regular "backup" but not with the Wizard version.

Any ideas?
  • | Post Points: 21
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I don't know the answer to this one. I think the answer is that it is not covered by default.

There is a blog entry that starts to cover it and would need a bit of hacking to get working - you might want to have a look.  I have asked internally, but I think this might be your best guide.




  • | Post Points: 5
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I got confirmation from the product team this morning, SBS Backup calls for compression if it is supported by the device, so if you have a tape unit that supports compression, it happens.

The actual text they sent is below:

In SBS2003, SBS Backup calls NTBACKUP.EXE to do the backup. SBS Backup automatically passes the backup script, generated on the fly depending on the registry and file location, to NTBACKUP.EXE to start the backup job.
The backup script passed to NTBACKUP when backing up to tape:
%windir%\system32\ntbackup.exe backup "@%sbsprogramdir%\Backup\Small Business Backup Script.bks" /d "Small Business Server Backup created on %date% at %time%" /v:yes /r:no /rs:no /hc:on /m normal /j "Small Business Server Backup Job" /l:s /p "%Tape library pool%" /UM
Hardware compression is turned on by default.
Best regards,
  • | Post Points: 21
Paulie replied on Fri, Apr 21 2006 10:14 AM
Thank you very much for finding out this information so quickly David.
  • | Post Points: 5
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