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  • IIS and SharePoint and ISA updates, information and web casts for this month

    This information comes from the Technical Rollup Mail blog which can be found here http://blogs.technet.com/trm/ . I extract the sections and then remove some of the items that don't work for me for ISVs and/or SBSC partners. News 6 new case studies published this month - http://www.microsoft.com/casestudies/search.aspx?ProTaxID=1265&NoDays=30 IIS The Tasty Morsels Found In Dogfood… MSCOM OPS Top 10 Changes In IIS7.0 http://blogs.technet.com/mscom/archive/2007/09/07/the-tasty-morsels-found-in-dogfood-mscom-ops-top-10-changes-in-iis7-0.aspx The .NET Show: IIS 7.0 (Shipping with Windows Vista will be the latest version of Internet Information Services (IIS), which includes a broad collection of features and capabilities that have been anxiously awaited by both developers and IT Pros. Scott Guthrie and Bill Staples describe and demo new features in IIS 7.0. ) http://msdn.microsoft.com/theshow/episode.aspx?xml=theshow/en/episode056/manifest.xml Sharepoint Technologies Correction for last month where we missed...

(c)David Overton 2006-23