This is an extract from the TRM blog which can be found here . I have removed the KB article list and some items which I don't think are relevant to small business / ISV partners, however the full info can be found on the blog page too. News Microsoft Security Assessment Tool 3.0 The Microsoft Security Assessment Tool (MSAT) is a risk-assessment application designed to provide information and recommendations about best practices for security within an information technology (IT) infrastructure. Start your Microsoft Windows 2008 Readiness Right Here Focus on readiness for Windows Server 2008 now, and you can be the one who stands out when initiatives happen - and when promotion decisions are made. Let Microsoft Learning resources give you the head start you need to transition your skills and credentials to the latest Windows Server technologies - from free elearning clinics and free ebook downloads.
Filed under: Windows 7, Vista and XP, Support and Tools, Virtualisation, Developer, Windows Server 2003, Event, Windows Client, Vista, Documentation, Demo, Training, Tips, Virtual PC, Virtual Server, Terminal Server, Windows Server 2008