Hi Allan the AD will be prepared, the issue is a time out of the replication. I suggest checking the obvious first.... network settings & time on both servers. The bugs in the install have been ironed out in the sbs 2010 but this probably does not help you at the moment. You can try starting a command prompt during the pause - the task manager should
Hi David Thanks for the reply, exchange and AD seem to be ok, the main issue looks like the migration connect to internet wizards, although I can get past this using the fix my network wizard. Can I uninstall exchange and demote the server from AD and restart the migration - is that the best way? there is a backup but the client is using email on the
Hi I'm trying to migrate a clients sbs2003 to sbs2008 and after logging into the sbs 2008 box it reports the installation failed. However, AD is replicating as well as Exchange in installed, Sharepoint is installed but does not work. I've tried running some wisards, move data worked for everything apart from sharepoint data, when I run the internet
If you have the large amount of groups, it can be quiet a pain to change each one so they appear in the sbs mannager, so a cleaner install sounds like the better option for you. I dont think the ADMT tool works any more for 2008 but a free tool which I've used in the past for users and pcs is ForensiT Domain Migration tool, it had a few issues
Hi David After thinking the issue was resolved a few months ago - I noticed all users using outlook 2007 were getting the same issues again - this occurred at several different clients sites (even clean sbs 2008 builds) Apparently, this is a known issue now - applying exchange 2007 rollup 9 or exhange 2007 sp2 using the sbs 2008 tool, resolves this
Hi Zinny If you have a large number of client pcs then migration of each of them over manually is very time consuming, the migration process for sbs 2008 can be tricky, I've completed 2 migrations and both had issues - which David and his book helped a great deal. A clean install of sbs 2008 worked very well for other clients. In regards to your
Yes - When the server was installing initially I was unable to move mailboxes between servers initially - obviously there must have been a break that caused this corruption. Even after it was re-established (by grabbing FSMO roles) the corruption remained. Everything is working now so I can demote the server and finally shutdown the old sbs 2003 server
After importing the GPO's from http://blogs.technet.com/sbs/archive/2009/09/03/how-to-manually-create-the-sbs-2008-and-wsus-group-policies-objects.aspx The fax wizard ran successfully. Thanks Matt
The Errors I had with this server were: ConfigureExchangeEAPListTask: The Exchange E-mail address policy cannot be configured. ConfigureGP: Windows Small Business Server group policies cannot be configured. MUPhase2Task: One or more updates cannot be installed. WSUSConfig: Windows Server Update Services cannot be configured. ReDirOUTask: ConfigureWSSOutgoingEmailTask
HI David This server only had one issue - the dns sync Matt