Hello everyone, just a quick note to say that today Lizzy May was born into this world at 2:24am GMT. She is happy and health, as is her mum and the rest of us. She weighs 6lbs 15 1/2 ounces and was 54cms long. If you want to see some lovely pictures, go to http://uksbsguy.com/photos/doverton/category1018...
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David Overton's Blog
David Overton
Wed, Jun 14 2006
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Filed under: SBS 2003, Windows 7, Vista and XP, Office System, CRM, Support and Tools, System Builder Information, Business, Windows Mobile, Off-topic, Windows SharePoint Services, Virtualisation
Terminal Services (TS) was a feature people liked in SBS 2000, but the performance and security issues meant that many people broke their solutions by overuse of TS. The answer with SBS 2003 was no TS – which solved both the support issue, but also the fact that you could not run Outlook on the same...