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Virtual Server

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Top 10 Contributor
Points 969
tezfair Posted: Fri, Jan 11 2008 10:36 AM

Virtual servers seems to be the in thing at the moment and it has me wondering about future installations and cloning. 

If I were to have a quad core / 4gb system and SBS 2003 R2 Std could I install a basic server on the machine, then run SBS as a virtual server? in my mind there's two issues, performance and licensing.  

But the real advantage I could see is that you could shut down SBS and drop into the base / host server, copy the SBS installation, and then restart SBS up again without having to reboot the main server. Im a big fan of cloning but hate having to boot into DOS and it will only be time before the old tried and tested clone ways will no longer work.  

Im keen to have a go on my test server, but would the license allow this? In my mind, std server is SBS before SBS is installed, and as its on the same physical machine would this require additional cals?



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Licensing is indeed a problem for you - you would need a std license as well.  I published some things on SBS and virtual server at http://uksbsguy.com/blogs/doverton/archive/2007/12/17/sbs-2003-virtual-server-and-or-terminal-services-and-why-use-virtualisation-and-the-risks-to-consider.aspx




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sentral replied on Thu, Apr 17 2008 9:22 AM

 Xen is one of the best source for virtualisation

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Xen is supported on Windows by Citrix.  Microsoft and Citrix have worked together to ensure that they are API compliant, so Windows VMM tools can manage Xen and vice versa.  However, if you want a hypervisor that is supported by the OS, go for Hyper-V.



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