Hi David,
Didnt realise there was a forum here :)
I am getting the following error when running "setup.exe /admin" from my network installation point or DVD.
"Files necessary to run the Office Customization Tool were not found. Run Setup from the installation point of a qualifying product"
This error should only appear when running the Office Customization Tool from a retail version, so I am wondering if the correct version been shipped on DVD Part no. X13-35827 EN Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007.
Using Procmon it would seem "setup.exe /admin" is missing 70+ files:
I think there is a problem with my media so I contacted [email protected] and they told me to contact https://partner.microsoft.com/40001608 so I contacted https://partner.microsoft.com/40001608 and they told me to contact [email protected]
I am a little confused as to who I should be emailing to try and fix this, should it be maps or partner?
The Action Pack is missing the \admin folder and has r (retail?) suffix on these files\folders and uses a retail key..
Action Pack media,\Enterpriser.WW\Enterpriser.WW\EnterpriserWW.msi\Enterpriser.WW\EnterpriserWW.xmlEnterprise media,\Admin\Enterprise.WW\Enterprise.WW\EnterpriseWW.msi\Enterprise.WW\EnterpriseWW.xmlMaps adviced me to raise a pay support call....
It would seem its a vain attempt to stop piracy??
(c)David Overton 2006-23