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  • re-enable hibernate in vista

    Hello Sir, what do i do to enable hibernate in my machine, my operating system is vista business, any time i try using the powercfg /hibernate on in c:/ it keeps telling me that i do not have the permission to enable or disable hibernate feacture. am typing it in from the administrator
    Posted to Windows Vista (Forum) by Josephine asoluka on Fri, Oct 31 2008
  • Re-Enabling Programs or Options that have been Disabled

    I've found that lots of things on vista can be disabled by the simple misclick of a button, or by a virus that got downloaded or some other reason and its so hard to re-enable it because Microsoft didn't make UIs for all those objects that can get disabled, because of this I will start a list...
    Posted to Windows Vista (Forum) by J Schewe on Sat, Oct 6 2007
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(c)David Overton 2006-23