I need to add more information to this, but this is the rough, undocumented source to my web site reporting.
It was based on the VB starter kit - http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=47401 and was then heavily modified.
Really important thing to know is that VS2005 requires my DLL used in the reports to be in both the IDE Private Assemblies and the application directory - I do this by having a post build event to copy the file to the two locations - you will need to change this.
To get location GPS information I subscribe to http://www.maxmind.com/app/web_services_guide#city for $20 for 50,000 lookups and I still have 34,000 lookups to go after 4 months, so not too expensive - this is the Maxmind licence mentioned in the config screen. Once you have the GPS information you can then use a tool such as MapPoint to plot GPS co-ordinates from the last tab in the spreadsheets onto a map.
Build the app, go to the view menu / config to set all the right parameters
command line switches
quick - only process a few logs
all - run all reports
autoexit - do standard reports and exit (only does yesterday and last month reports between midnight & 1am by default)
skipdns - skip conversion of the IP addresses into a DNS name
skiplocation - skip getting GPS information on GPS location of IP addresses