I created my Star Wars Deep Zoom preview and really liked it, but then contacted the author of the site to see how I could add more pictures and control the layout &/or host it myself. Normally when I ask these sorts of questions I get a response about "later" and "out of beta"...
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David Overton's Blog
David Overton
on Thu, Mar 13 2008
Filed under: Developer, Community, beta, Microsoft, Documentation, Demo, Internet and Web, Expression, Partner, Silverlight
I saw this blog entry and just had to share it - a number of Silverlight application (don't know how many will work with the updated Silverlight builds) - WPF Cornucopia - A selection of WPF-based applications . Below are some of my favourites. There are many more on the blog entry Some cool WPF...
Posted to
David Overton's Blog
David Overton
on Mon, Aug 27 2007
Filed under: Windows 7, Vista and XP, Developer, beta, Windows Client, Vista, Demo, Expression, Silverlight