This site is my way to share my views and general business and IT information with you about Microsoft, IT solutions for ISVs, technologists and businesses, large and small.  

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  • May security updates for Server DNS and Office 2003/2007 and IE7. Also Quicktime needs an update

    I did a quick scan and it seems that this month Office is the main target of updates, along with one critical one for Windows Server (for DNS RPC attack) and one for IE7. Worth a quick download and install :-) I also got this in the mail today: Apple QuickTime 7.x must be upgraded to 7.1.5 or higher...
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Tue, May 8 2007
    Filed under: SBS 2003, Windows 7, Vista and XP, Office System, Support and Tools, Security, Exchange, Windows Server 2003, Windows Client, Windows XP, Office 2007, SBS 2003 R2, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Office 2003
  • Deploying Vista to many desktops from Small Business Server 2003 with SP2 (R2 or R1) using Business Desktop Deployment (BDD) tools

    A nice man named Zack dropped me a mail asking about the Business Desktop Deployment (BDD) tools and "real" documentation, which led to Matt in the PTS team writing about all the great tools (see below). I then installed SP2 for Windows Server 2003 and realised that my SBS 2003 system now has the capabilities...
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Fri, Mar 16 2007
    Filed under: SBS 2003, Windows 7, Vista and XP, Office System, Support and Tools, Virtualisation, Windows Server 2003, Windows Client, Windows XP, Vista, Office 2007, SBS 2003 R2, Documentation, Training, OPK, Partner, Virtual PC, Service Pack, Virtual Server, Office 2003
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(c)David Overton 2006-23