This site is my way to share my views and general business and IT information with you about Microsoft, IT solutions for ISVs, technologists and businesses, large and small.  

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  • Compatibility Chart for Windows Small Business Server 2003 (Product, Server applications and desktop)

    A great new set of pages that shows what works and does not work with SBS 2003. using a simple traffic light system = The product is an integrated component of Windows SBS, or it is known to be compatible with Windows SBS. The product was tested and you can obtain support for this configuration. = The...
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Fri, Sep 29 2006
    Filed under: SBS 2003, Windows 7, Vista and XP, SQL Server, Exchange, Windows Server 2003
  • Microsoft acquired Win Internals (SysInternals.com)

    http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2006/jul06/07-18WinternalsPR.mspx This is a bit of old news, but I have not reported it. There has always been a set of amazing tools that were usable to diagnose inside Windows, they were sold from a company called WinInternals, who then produced a set of free...
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Fri, Sep 15 2006
    Filed under: SBS 2003, Windows 7, Vista and XP, Support and Tools, Developer, Security, Windows Server 2003
  • What is the Demo Showcase and how do you use it?

    I have a mate at work, Chris, who has always been a good and clever egg the whole time I have known him. He is also very passionate about partners getting the right level of support as well as liking Stoke City, but something's just have to be forgiven. One thing he has got a bee in his bonnet about...
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Mon, Sep 4 2006
    Filed under: SBS 2003, Windows 7, Vista and XP, Office System, CRM, Support and Tools, Windows SharePoint Services, SQL Server, Exchange, Windows Server 2003
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(c)David Overton 2006-23