I have a mate at work, Chris, who has always been a good and clever egg the whole time I have known him. He is also very passionate about partners getting the right level of support as well as liking Stoke City, but something's just have to be forgiven.
One thing he has got a bee in his bonnet about this year is the Demo Showcase, which we will be using for all our demos going forward for a while. If you have been to an ignite tour, that was based on an early version of the Showcase DVD set.
Chris has been a prolific blogger on the subject - this is a great tool for you to use, so look at:
Whoever heard of the Demo Showcase for the People Ready Business?
The Demo Showcase Line Up
What Does the Demo Showcase Look Like (Physically)?
What Does the Demo Showcase Look Like (in Reality?)
The Demo Showcase Team Tactics
Mon, Sep 4 2006 11:18 PM
David Overton