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MS email database stolen?

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Top 10 Contributor
Points 969
tezfair Posted: Mon, Nov 20 2006 6:45 PM

Not really anywhere to put this comment within any forum, but I thought I would pass this on. (Now I know your going to say this is highly unlikely to happen...but...)


As a single person in my company I have the pleasure of making up any old email address as I please. In order to track who is selling email accounts to spammers I often use an email address related to the company that im dealing with.

Recently however I am getting spam from an email address I soley use for Microsoft (ms.info@) This is the email account I use for OEM and Partner websites and no other.

Could someone on the inside be selling MS email database?



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the short answer is no, however as you say, nothing is ever impossible, but @ $11 per person impacted user some US State law, I think we would have heard.  I suspect that some nice spammer is trying ms.info @ anywhere.com and you happened to get hit.  I could be wrong, but that would be the norm.  If it persists, let me know and we will get our legal beagles onto the case




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