This site is my way to share my views and general business and IT information with you about Microsoft, IT solutions for ISVs, technologists and businesses, large and small.  

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  • More ways to engage with customers using the Microsoft advertising campaigns

    [updated 4th March] Many people congratulated Microsoft after the Mr Busy campaigns allowed partners to drive their customers back to them using a MS campaign. Well, this is now being repeated for a number of campaigns. Today I found the click and go site to get them all ( http://www.campaigns.arvato...
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Tue, Mar 4 2008
    Filed under: SBS 2003, Windows 7, Vista and XP, Office System, CRM, Support and Tools, Business, Windows Mobile, Windows SharePoint Services, Community, Windows Server 2003, SBSC, Microsoft, Windows Client, Vista, Office 2007, SBS 2003 R2, Marketing, Small business, Partner
  • Do you want to ask Microsoft the hard questions on Vista and Office before you sell them to your customers - well now you can in June - Live!!

    Your Office and Vista questions answered We are offering UK partners the opportunity to talk directly to one of Microsoft Europe's leading technology specialists in a series of online Q&A sessions. These sessions will seek to answer the nitty gritty questions you need to answer to transition...
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Wed, May 30 2007
    Filed under: Windows 7, Vista and XP, Office System, Support and Tools, Windows SharePoint Services, Community, Event, Vista, Office 2007, Partner
  • Running Office 2003 on Windows Vista and running other applications that work on Windows XP on Vista

    [updated 19th March 14:45 - added App Compat fixes KB article] I seem to be being asked this question a lot, so I thought I would blog the answer. The short answer is yes, you can run Office 2003 on Windows Vista . For that matter, you can run many other applications on Windows Vista too. For those who...
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Mon, Mar 19 2007
    Filed under: Windows 7, Vista and XP, Office System, Support and Tools, Community, Windows Client, Vista, Office 2007, Documentation, Application Compatibility, Office 2003
  • Microsoft Office 2007 and Windows Vista for Microsoft (UK) Partners' Friends and Family

    [updated 18th March 08:44am] - The links are working now - hurray Now before someone goes and shoots this down, we have managed a small discount for Microsoft UK Partners' friends and family. It is not a half price discount or anything close, but if you know someone who was going to buy our software...
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Wed, Mar 14 2007
    Filed under: Windows 7, Vista and XP, Office System, Support and Tools, Community, Fun, SBSC, Microsoft, Windows Client, Vista, Office 2007, Partner
  • Using Windows Vista and Outlook 2007 in a Windows Small Business Server 2003 Network

    [updated 28th Feb 2007 - 07:47 with correct link for Outlook 2007 and Windows XP] Use this document to join computers that are running Windows Vista to your Windows Small Business Server 2003 network using the "Update for Windows Small Business Server 2003: Windows Vista and Outlook 2007 compatibility...
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Wed, Feb 28 2007
    Filed under: SBS 2003, Windows 7, Vista and XP, Office System, Support and Tools, Business, Windows SharePoint Services, Community, Windows Server 2003, SBSC, Windows Client, Vista, Office 2007, SBS 2003 R2, Documentation, Application Compatibility
  • I'm sorry - I am not perfect and nor is Microsoft. Sometimes it is our fault

    I can be abrasive sometimes and whether it "is my fault" or not, I don't always understand others' point of views. To this I would like to say "It is my fault". Now, if you have got up off the floor, let me give you a few examples. I say "contact our customer support" and you say "I don't have time"...
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Mon, Feb 19 2007
    Filed under: SBS 2003, Windows 7, Vista and XP, Office System, Support and Tools, System Builder Information, Business, Off-topic, Windows SharePoint Services, Community, Windows Server 2003, Personal, SBSC, Windows Client, Vista, Office 2007, SBS 2003 R2, Marketing, Action Pack
  • Demo Showcase and Action Pack shipments

    [Please also read the Action Pack FAQ on this blog at http://uksbsguy.com/blogs/doverton/archive/2007/02/13/windows-vista-windows-xp-office-2003-and-office-2007-action-pack-update-my-faq.aspx ] Ok, so we failed to hit the January shipment, which is not something I am proud of, but everyone knows that...
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Thu, Feb 8 2007
    Filed under: Windows 7, Vista and XP, Office System, Support and Tools, Business, Community, Windows Client, Vista, Office 2007, Documentation, Marketing, Action Pack
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(c)David Overton 2006-23