This site is my way to share my views and general business and IT information with you about Microsoft, IT solutions for ISVs, technologists and businesses, large and small.  

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  • SBS 2003 to SBS 2008 migration thoughts and issues

    I've been part of a lively debate on the Yahoo UK SBS Group about how to migrate from SBS 2003 to SBS 2008 and what the issues are.  The information I have so far is good, but I need much more to take it to the product teams. For sure, the issues so far are: Concerns around the "state"...
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Mon, Jan 19 2009
    Filed under: SBS 2003, Support and Tools, Community, Exchange, Windows Server 2003, SBSC, Microsoft, SBS 2003 R2, Small business, Partner, If you only read one post today, Windows Server 2008, SBS 2008
  • More ways to engage with customers using the Microsoft advertising campaigns

    [updated 4th March] Many people congratulated Microsoft after the Mr Busy campaigns allowed partners to drive their customers back to them using a MS campaign. Well, this is now being repeated for a number of campaigns. Today I found the click and go site to get them all ( http://www.campaigns.arvato...
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Tue, Mar 4 2008
    Filed under: SBS 2003, Windows 7, Vista and XP, Office System, CRM, Support and Tools, Business, Windows Mobile, Windows SharePoint Services, Community, Windows Server 2003, SBSC, Microsoft, Windows Client, Vista, Office 2007, SBS 2003 R2, Marketing, Small business, Partner
  • SBS 2003, Virtual Server and / or Terminal Services and why use virtualisation and the risks to consider

    I need to take my hat off to the PSS guys in India. I "met" Girish on the Microsoft internal aliases and then delivering a Technet chat. I've since seen him post some great blog posts, but also answer key questions in various SBS forums. Alex recently asked the question: They (well I) think...
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Mon, Dec 17 2007
    Filed under: SBS 2003, Virtualisation, Community, Windows Server 2003, SBS 2003 R2, Tips, Small business, Virtual PC, Virtual Server, Terminal Server
  • Vlad Mazek - "What is service management" and "how to avoid being hit by a truck when it is most inconvenient"

    I love Vlad's straight talking. If you get a chance read the whole of the blog entry Vlad Mazek - Vladville Blog » Blog Archive » Windows Server 2003 SP2 EEULA & CYA because as far as I am concerned he is preaching to the converted. I will stand by my view that Service Packs are tested as much...
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Sun, Jun 24 2007
    Filed under: SBS 2003, Support and Tools, Security, Community, Windows Server 2003, SBSC, SBS 2003 R2, Small business, Partner, Service Pack, System Update, If you only read one post today
  • Channel Expo Show presentations - Windows Vista, Office 2007 and Windows Server (SBS, Naked, Home Server and Longhorn) sales slides

    If you visited the Channel Expo show this year then you probably saw one or two Microsoft presentations on desktop and server solutions. James Akrigg and Matt McSpirit provided the desktop entertainment while I covered off what servers we have out there and what is coming in the near future. We promised...
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Fri, Apr 6 2007
    Filed under: SBS 2003, Windows 7, Vista and XP, Office System, System Builder Information, Windows Mobile, Windows SharePoint Services, SQL Server, Community, Windows Server 2003, Windows Home Server, Event, Windows Client, Vista, Office 2007, SBS 2003 R2, Marketing, mobile, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Small business, ISA Server, Licensing, SQL Server 2005
  • How to get Companyweb (Windows SharePoint Services v2) to work with Office 2007

    [updated 9th August 2007 to add read/write document registry change] A few people said this was a showstopper for them in recommneding Office 2007 to their customers so I figured it had to be fixed. I nixed a huge amount of work from the right stuff blog " Office 2007 File Icons for Windows SharePoint...
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Tue, Mar 13 2007
    Filed under: SBS 2003, Office System, Support and Tools, Windows SharePoint Services, Community, Windows Server 2003, SBSC, Office 2007, SBS 2003 R2, Tips, Small business, SharePoint

(c)David Overton 2006-23