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Microsoft Live Labs Volta Team Blog

I saw this and thought I would share.  Write apps with another simple set of tools.  Between Popfly, this and more it seems that building on Microsoft is getting easier and easier.  Have a look at http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/features/2007/dec07/12-05Volta.mspx for some more info.

Announcing Volta: Web Development Using Only the Materials in the Room

Today, we are announcing the Volta technology preview, a developer toolset for building multi-tier web applications using existing and familiar tools, techniques and patterns. Volta’s declarative tier-splitting enables developers to postpone architectural decisions about distribution until the last possible responsible moment. Also, thanks to a shared programming model across multiple-tiers, Volta enables new end-to-end profiling and testing for higher levels of application performance, robustness, and reliability. Using the declarative tier-splitting, developers can refine architectural decisions based on this profiling data. This saves time and costs associated with manual refactoring. In effect, Volta extends the .NET platform to further enable the development of software+services applications, using existing and familiar tools and techniques.

You architect and build your application as a .NET client application, assigning the portions of the application that run on the server tier and client tier late in the development process. You can target either web browsers or the CLR as clients and Volta handles the complexities of tier-splitting. The compiler creates cross-browser JavaScript for the client tier, web services for the server tier, and all communication, serialization, synchronization, security, and other boilerplate code to tie the tiers together. In effect, Volta offers a best-effort experience in multiple environments without requiring tailoring of the application.

Learn more about Volta and download it to try building applications yourself >

Microsoft Live Labs Volta Team Blog




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Posted Thu, Dec 6 2007 11:49 PM by David Overton

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