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How long is the grace period on SBS 2008 (how long can you evaluate SBS 2008 without entering a product key)

I saw this one come up internally and externally, so I thought I would share the answer.  Remember that SBS 2008 is built on Windows Server 2008, Exchange 2007 and SQL 2008 (for the premium edition).  This means that you are bound by the limits of those products.  For SBS Standard this is Windows Server 2008, which is 60 days that can be extended to up to 240 days using the rearm process documented in the KB article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/948472. SQL2008 has a trial period of 180 days, so if your evaluating SBS 2008 Premium edition you are limited by that.





Posted Tue, Sep 16 2008 8:18 AM by David Overton


Ian wrote re: How long is the grace period on SBS 2008 (how long can you evaluate SBS 2008 without entering a product key)
on Sun, Nov 23 2008 1:27 AM

Hello David's Blog...

Any advice on moving from the SBS2008 Trial Version to the full version?

Do you know if converting the trial version into a fully licensed version is supported buy installing purchased licence key codes? Or will the system require a complete new install?


David Overton wrote re: How long is the grace period on SBS 2008 (how long can you evaluate SBS 2008 without entering a product key)
on Sun, Nov 23 2008 1:32 AM


enter a product key into the trial and you have a full version.  It is as simple as that.



Mike wrote re: How long is the grace period on SBS 2008 (how long can you evaluate SBS 2008 without entering a product key)
on Mon, Apr 27 2009 9:19 PM

I only see an trial download for premium. Can I use this as media to install standard and then enter a standard key when we purchase it?

Please help, we need this badly!

David Overton wrote re: How long is the grace period on SBS 2008 (how long can you evaluate SBS 2008 without entering a product key)
on Tue, Apr 28 2009 6:53 AM


You can do this.  Yes.


Greg Sinclair wrote re: How long is the grace period on SBS 2008 (how long can you evaluate SBS 2008 without entering a product key)
on Thu, May 28 2009 8:00 AM

I've been searching for the above for some time as I want to use the trial SBS first which is listed as premium but when its time to purchase will only need the standard as we already have Server and SQL licences with Software assurance from Microsoft. That's great news that the premium trial can be made into a standard version just by entering licence key. I have every intention of purchasing but can't buy the English SBS in China so will wait until my next trip to Hong Kong. Unless its possible to buy the licence online without the box set - I can't seem to find out if this is possible.

David, I have just bought your book. May take some time to ship to China so working off the pdf right now.

I  wondered if you'd had any experience with installing SBS 2008 on Vmware ESXi. It seemed to be absurdly slow even after allocating 6GB of RAM and 2 virtual processors (running an HP Proliant DL385 G2). This is the only way I have to do the swing migration from 2003 without forking out for additional hardware or committing myself to the premium edition just so I can get hyper-v. Once its done I could convert back to a physical machine if necessary but would like to continue using ESXi if possible. Would the hyper-v in the premium edition be any faster?

Plus would the swing migration work from 2003 R2 Premium to 2008 Standard. ie, do they both need to be premium editions?

Sorry if this is not the correct forum for asking questions like this. I tried the email address above but it bounced back.

Many Thanks.


Steven wrote re: How long is the grace period on SBS 2008 (how long can you evaluate SBS 2008 without entering a product key)
on Thu, Aug 13 2009 10:41 PM

Hiya David, Some at MS are telling me that the downloaded SBS 2008 evaluation version cant be activated no matter what key you enter. Others are telling me that I need the full retail version to activate it? I did try an OEM key and that didn't work....What do you recon?

David Overton wrote re: How long is the grace period on SBS 2008 (how long can you evaluate SBS 2008 without entering a product key)
on Wed, Sep 2 2009 11:33 PM


I can't promise for OEM, but you can enter a Volume License key into an eval copy to correctly license it.  OEM has to be installed on the shipping machine, i.e. not after it has shipped, so there is no way to "license" OEM after the fact.



Shahnan wrote re: How long is the grace period on SBS 2008 (how long can you evaluate SBS 2008 without entering a product key)
on Thu, Oct 1 2009 3:55 AM


You can download the SBS2008 OPK Kit for OEMs. Gives you the same number of days trial.

Jack wrote re: How long is the grace period on SBS 2008 (how long can you evaluate SBS 2008 without entering a product key)
on Tue, Jun 15 2010 8:21 PM

So, would a Business Open License key work (for sure for sure?).     I need to get a server up and running and we are still waiting on the proper media kit.

David Overton wrote re: How long is the grace period on SBS 2008 (how long can you evaluate SBS 2008 without entering a product key)
on Wed, Jun 16 2010 8:06 AM


When you install the downloaded trial, don't type a key intothe product.  Then you can type the key into the activation tool when you get the key.



Forbes wrote re: How long is the grace period on SBS 2008 (how long can you evaluate SBS 2008 without entering a product key)
on Sat, Apr 30 2011 5:31 PM

I need to enter the purchased key but can't find where to enter it and it doesn't prompt me anymore for it.  Stupid Microsoft tech site tells you everything except where to enter the key.


David Overton wrote re: How long is the grace period on SBS 2008 (how long can you evaluate SBS 2008 without entering a product key)
on Sat, Apr 30 2011 6:13 PM


Look for Activate in the start menu or right click computer in the start menu, go for properties and then you can enter or change the product key at the bottom of the window.



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