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Freezing in Bristol

Yesterday I spent a couple of hours with the Bristol Partner Group (a Partner Group is a User Group, expect all it's members are partners).  It was a great time listening to peoples needs and offering information from Microsoft.

I have posted a note to the forum http://uksbsguy.com/forums/thread/102.aspx with all the details.  It has also raised some great questions along the way that have been posted to the SBS and training areas.

I have created a training forum found at http://uksbsguy.com/forums/21/ShowForum.aspx where you can choose to get e-mails when anything changes and I will post training information as I find it for you.



P.S.  Why freezing in Bristol... well the reception was very warming, but once i left I found myself spending 90 minutes on a freezing cold platform waiting for a train heading Reading way.

Posted Fri, Mar 17 2006 1:43 PM by David Overton


Gareth wrote re: Freezing in Bristol
on Fri, Mar 17 2006 2:58 PM
Hope your toes are fully defrosted by now!

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