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Giving money to good causes - Warren Buffet follows Bill and Melinda

One of the reasons I picked Microsoft to work for was that I felt the company had a goal stronger than "to make money for the shareholders", but also to actually do some good in the world.

Bill Gates has announced that he is planning to slowly transisition to a part time role in Microsoft over the next two years to dedicate his time to the Bill and Melinda Foundation who have already given away billions to help those in need. (See http://www.gatesfoundation.com/AboutUs/Announcements/Announce-060615.htm for Bill's transition. For some astounding stats, look at http://www.gatesfoundation.com/MediaCenter/FactSheet/ - snipped from it:

Number of employees: 241
Endowment: $29.2 billion
Total grant commitments since inception: $10.5 billion
Total 2005 grant payments: $1.36 billion

Illustrative Grant Commitments

Now I read that Warren Buffet is to give away 85% of his 40B$ wealth to charity, with 5/6 going to the above fund.  For more info, see http://www.gatesfoundation.com/AboutUs/Announcements/Announce-060625.htm


This is what I want to help others do, while Microsoft makes lots of donations, by making MS successful, I enable these people to continue to do this.  I think Microsoft donates something like 7% of its cash each year to good causes - not many other companies can say they do that.  When working recently with the SBS product team in the UK I discovered that we give away 4+ copies of SBS plus associated software to UK needy causes a month.  That is just SBS, we also give away many other products too.  I know that the nay sayers could say "why not give away more" and this is in the pipeline, but for now, i am glad I work for a company that at least tries to do this - the 1st in my career and some of those companies were pretty rich too.





Posted Sun, Jun 25 2006 11:48 PM by David Overton


iQubed wrote re: Giving money to good causes - Warren Buffet follows Bill and Melinda
on Mon, Jun 26 2006 12:59 AM
I think all businesses, large or small, should consider their contribution to society. Corporate social responsibility isn't just the domain of the large and rich companies. We all talk about "Community" meaning the SBS Community, but as business owners who live and trade in our local communities, we have a responsibility to give back.

I work with an initiative called ProHelp in Leicestershire, which is part of Business in the Community (a national programme), to provide pro bono support to charities and community based organisations.

It's good to hear someone actual state that there are values above pure profit that drives us and the organisations that we work for. I know it is far easier to be cynical about these things than to look on the optimistic side!

Okay, that's my preaching over....


Debra Nelson wrote re: Giving money to good causes - Warren Buffet follows Bill and Melinda
on Fri, Mar 2 2007 7:31 PM

This article on giving did my heart good.  My husband is a Bishop of our church in Independence Missouri and our church congregation is so poor that at times I shed tears in hearing their hardships.  We are not rich, but we give all we can in helping people that don't have heat in their homes, and have a hard time feeding their families.  I just wish I had the money to open a care giving organization to help those in need.  It is good to see that some U.S. corporations are helping those that do.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  

Debra Nelson

Sherry Paulin wrote re: Giving money to good causes - Warren Buffet follows Bill and Melinda
on Tue, Jun 23 2009 8:28 PM

I am so happy to hear that I am not the only one who gives, and love to make a difference although I am nowhere near wealthy, But I try to make people happy. My church is called the Metropolitan Baptist church In Harlem, New York. My church doesnt have a lot of funds, so I use my money that I work for to make sure that our programs at the church comes out good. So, Keep on giving and LOrd will keep Blessing you.

Merete Haahr wrote re: Giving money to good causes - Warren Buffet follows Bill and Melinda
on Fri, Apr 28 2017 1:35 PM

I had the pleasure of hearing Melinda Gates speaking at the women deliver conference in Copenhagen Denmark last year. I was so impressed by what they have done for people, and they are using the ressources they have in a socially good manner.

The gates foundation do a lot of work for maternal and newborn health, which is a problem where help is much needed. Our little webshop is called PetitePeople.com, and for every gift purchased, we give a health kit to save mothers and babies. It is just a drop in a big ocean, but we all have to do our bit, and it will add up in the end. Keep up the good work.

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