I saw this over at the Wall Street Jounral (http://online.wsj.com/public/article/SB116490323676636989-HnHPKLzkyy9xKy2wnokbd2bc_bE_20071130.html) and it made me think. Can I point to Innovation from Microsoft in the small business arena?
I'd be happy on your thoughts, but her are some areas I think MS is innovating:
- SBS - an amazing package of great technologies, not just the "enterprise" version at a lower price, but some thought put in to make the wizards workable for small businesses, with defaults that won't scale to 5,000 users, but will work just fine for 100
- Publisher to enable small businesses to participate in marketing and image management without having to learn a package as complex as Pagemager or Quark Express - something I used to earn great money training people to use
- Office 2007 - making great presentation of documents accessable without a marketing degree
- Vista - Getting the balance right between onus on the user vs the system for security
I have some more in mind, but what do you think?
Mon, Dec 11 2006 12:51 PM
David Overton