OK, so once upon a time I used to give out software for charities, but those days are gone. However, there is a fantastic deal available for charities via the Charity Exchange. The software is donated by Microsoft (and others) and then an administration charge is added. There are various criteria to be met to use the Charity Technology Exchange, but the overall pricing is VERY good for charities - and of course, if the software is discounted as this is the right thing to do, perhaps so should the services too ;-)
Anyway, the site can he found at http://www.ctxchange.org/ctx/browse_products/microsoft/default.asp and the prices include software assurance, so the Office 2003 and Windows XP prices entitle the charity to Office 2007 and Windows Vista Enterprise (as it is a Volume License).
An example would be a 50 seat SBS Premium solution with Windows XP and Office 2003 (both upgradable - also note that a previous Windows OS is required on the PC to load the Windows OS - it is an upgrade, not a version that can be installed on a bare hard disk)
SBS - £37
5 CAL Pack x 9 - £11 x 9 = £101
Windows XP Upgrades x 50 - £4 x 50 = £200
Office 2003 Pro x 50 - £11 x 50 = £550
Grand Total = £888 - +VAT - including Software Assurance
While I don't have UK prices, SBS would be $1,500, the CAL packs would be 9 x $495, Office is around $450 I think - so this marks a HUGE saving. These were the prices yesterday.
Now, tell me why every Charity can't upgrade?
Fri, Jan 26 2007 9:31 PM
David Overton
Filed under: SBS 2003, Windows 7, Vista and XP, Office System, Support and Tools, Business, Community, Microsoft, Windows Client, Windows XP, Vista, Office 2007, SBS 2003 R2, charity