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Microsoft software for Charities in the UK

OK, so once upon a time I used to give out software for charities, but those days are gone.  However, there is a fantastic deal available for charities via the Charity Exchange.  The software is donated by Microsoft (and others) and then an administration charge is added.  There are various criteria to be met to use the Charity Technology Exchange, but the overall pricing is VERY good for charities - and of course, if the software is discounted as this is the right thing to do, perhaps so should the services too ;-)


Anyway, the site can he found at http://www.ctxchange.org/ctx/browse_products/microsoft/default.asp and the prices include software assurance, so the Office 2003 and Windows XP prices entitle the charity to Office 2007 and Windows Vista Enterprise (as it is a Volume License).


An example would be a 50 seat SBS Premium solution with Windows XP and Office 2003 (both upgradable - also note that a previous Windows OS is required on the PC to load the Windows OS - it is an upgrade, not a version that can be installed on a bare hard disk)

SBS - £37

5 CAL Pack x 9 - £11 x 9 = £101

Windows XP Upgrades x 50 - £4 x 50 = £200

Office 2003 Pro x 50 - £11 x 50 = £550

Grand Total = £888 - +VAT - including Software Assurance

While I don't have UK prices, SBS would be $1,500, the CAL packs would be 9 x $495, Office is around $450 I think - so this marks a HUGE saving.  These were the prices yesterday.


Now, tell me why every Charity can't upgrade?





Posted Fri, Jan 26 2007 9:31 PM by David Overton


Neil wrote re: Microsoft software for Charities in the UK
on Wed, Jan 31 2007 12:07 PM

Does this also encapsulate not-for-profir organisations?

David Overton wrote re: Microsoft software for Charities in the UK
on Thu, Feb 1 2007 6:24 AM


there are detailed FAQs on the site documenting the applicability info.



Pete Gower wrote re: Microsoft software for Charities in the UK
on Fri, Feb 2 2007 4:15 PM


I have used this for a youth club in Bolton and the savings were fantastic, allowing a charity to use moden technology just like any other company

David Overton wrote re: Microsoft software for Charities in the UK
on Fri, Feb 2 2007 11:11 PM


glad to hear about it.  You should contact us about a sound bite quote - we always like writing up these sorts of things.

e-mail at [email protected] to start this process off if you are interested.



Vijay Singh Riyait wrote re: Microsoft software for Charities in the UK
on Mon, Feb 5 2007 7:59 PM

To use this particular programme you need to be a registered charity, as part of the sign up process involves giving the charity number. The problem with Not for Profits, is that they don't have the same legal status as charities so is more difficult to actual verify 'the good works' nature of their organisation.

You can also get Cisco hardware as well under this initiative!

Dave Whyte wrote re: Microsoft software for Charities in the UK
on Wed, Feb 7 2007 10:52 PM

Hi David,

Thanks for the SBSC Symposium in Edinburgh, it was  actually the best MS event I have been to in a long time. A great mix of not too much tech and more business content.

As I mentioned to you during the day, I have used the CTX scheme for two charities, helping them get to a level of technology far beyond for their means.

I have discounted my rates slightly for the installs and maintenance as I personally see it as a way of giving. Many others I have spoken to have disagreed with this but, oh well!

I would be more than willing to give a "sound bite" type of thing as it would obviously raise my profile but also show the charity sector that MS are doing their bit too.

As I also mentioned in Edinburgh on the 6th, I may actually try to niche in charity support as they normally are a great bunch of easy going types to work with!

Also thanks again for clearing up the Action Pack and XP licenses issue.


Dave Whyte

101 Digital Services

Jonathan H wrote re: Microsoft software for Charities in the UK
on Wed, Jan 20 2010 11:59 AM

Thank you for this nugget of information, it looks like a charity i'm involved with will be able to get legal for not too high a price.

On the CTX site they are only selling Small Business Server in the 2003 version, would you recommend having 2008? And does this Software Assurance thing mean that i could download the SBS2008 demo from the Microsoft website and activate it with the SBS2003 codes bought through CTX?



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