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Great tools for Internet Explorer: Spell check, Open last closed tab, Auto refresh and more (IE7 Add-ons)

I love IE7, but it is by no means the perfect browser.  Along with every other browser out there it can be heavily customised.  Here are the ones I use myself.  There are loads at http://www.windowsmarketplace.com/category.aspx?bcatid=834&tabid=1

(this is also the spell checker used on the blog site when you are adding something - perhaps into the forums)
IESpell is a free Internet Explorer browser extension that spell-checks text-input boxes on a Web page. It should come in particularly handy for users who do a lot of Web-based text entry (Web mail, forums, blogs, diaries). Even if your Web application already includes spell-checking functionality, this utility is faster than a server-side solution. Plus, you get to store and use your personal word list across all your applications instead of having to maintain separate ones on each application. Version 2.5.1 build 106 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.

Inline Search v 1.4.3 (cf. ChangeLog) is an extremely useful free add-on for Internet Explorer that mimics Firefox's search behavior. It turns searching in a web page into a non modal research experience coupled with a find as you type facility. It integrates flawlessly into IE (version 5.5 or above), giving it that little extra that makes you a lot more efficient when you are looking for a specific piece of information.

IE7pro is an must have add-on for Internet Explorer 7, which adds lots of features and extras that make your IE easier, more useful, more secure and more customizable. Some features: Support Double click to close tab; Support mouse gesture; Support view page info and save flash/video; Support session crash recovery; Support block ADs; Support refresh Tab; Support save whole page to image; Support quick switch proxy; Support custom User Agent.Version 0.9.10 adds Web Pages Autoscroll, Enhances tabs management Emulate "Open in New Tab" in context menu when Drag & Drop url; Supports new Tab from search bar; Supports new Tab when left-click in the favorite list.

Star Downloader Free
Star Downloader is a download manager that accelerates your downloads by splitting the files into several parts and downloading them simultaneously. Download speeds are increased further by choosing the fastest mirror sites. Version 1.45 has Firefox 1.5 support and Internet Explorer Toolbar for fast searching.

IE7 Open Last Closed Tab     (functionality is also part of IE7pro)
IE7 Open Last Closed Tab is a plug-in for Internet Explorer 7 that makes "Alt-X" reopen the last closed tab. This is very useful when you accidentally close a tab that you didn't mean to close. Instead of trying to find it in your browser history, you hit "Alt-X" and it automatically reopens in a new tab.

AutoRefresher for IE       (functionality is also part of IE7pro)
This Internet Explorer addon automatically refreshes websites for you. You can set it to refresh your pages at custom intervals or any predefined ones. Each browser window has its own refresh control. Istaller/uninstaller are included with this package. Great for surfing Web pages that are updated often.

Microsoft Fiddler
Fiddler is a HTTP Debugging Proxy, which logs all HTTP traffic between your computer and the Internet. Fiddler allows you to inspect all HTTP Traffic, set breakpoints, and fiddle with incoming or outgoing data. Fiddler is designed to be much simpler than using NetMon or Achilles, and includes a simple but powerful JScript.NET event-based scripting subsystem. Version 1.1.9 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.

Favorites Finder
How fast can you get to your favorite Web sites? Is your bookmarks list a mess? The Web sites you visit most often are a few keystrokes away using Favorites Finder. Add as many favorites as you like now; you'll be able to find them by typing a few letters from the website title, address, or folder name. No more scrolling through a long list with your mouse. Once you've filtered your favorites list hit Enter to navigate to the matching site or select from among a few matching sites. It's especially useful for those sites you're always visiting, be it an eBay listing, your webmail, or favorite blog. Favorites Finder runs right inside your Internet Explorer browser.Version 1.1.1 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.


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Posted Wed, Feb 28 2007 10:35 AM by David Overton


John wrote re: Great tools for Internet Explorer: Spell check, Open last closed tab, Auto refresh and more (IE7 Add-ons)
on Wed, Mar 7 2007 8:46 PM

Hey David,

Thanks for posting about "Open Last Closed Tab".  We're currently working on a update that adds at least one "uber-cool" feature that we think a lot of people will appreciate.  We're finishing up a few things and then the beta begins ( beta is available now, but we're taking that one step further, so anyone interested, keep an eye on www.muvextoe.com/blog for when it's ready.


John wrote re: Great tools for Internet Explorer: Spell check, Open last closed tab, Auto refresh and more (IE7 Add-ons)
on Wed, Mar 14 2007 4:23 PM

We just released the first beta of our updated v3.x of IE7 Open Last Closed Tab.  Remeber, that "uber-cool" feature we were talking about?  It's in this release and we like to call it "Quick Tab Style View" in reference to the "Quick Tabs" of IE7.  It allows you to hit "Alt+Q" which will then you show you a "Quick Tabs" like view of previously closed tabs, including a thumbnail of the page, taken on close, to easily identify the page you wanted to open, with the page title and on mouseover, the url.  Click on the thumbnail and that page opens in a new tab.

We look forward to hearing the experiences people have with this latest version.  You can get a sample of what it looks like and a link to the beta download on our latest blog post: http://www.muvenum.com/blog/2007/03/13/ie7-open-last-closed-tab-v3040-beta-1-released-%e2%80%93-quick-tab-style-added/


Barry Simms wrote re: Great tools for Internet Explorer: Spell check, Open last closed tab, Auto refresh and more (IE7 Add-ons)
on Mon, Mar 26 2007 10:20 PM

Thanks, I have been looking for a refresh fix for IE7 half the day. I am tired of the constant refreshing. I hope the auto refresh tool does the trick!? Thanks again.

Rueben wrote re: Great tools for Internet Explorer: Spell check, Open last closed tab, Auto refresh and more (IE7 Add-ons)
on Thu, Sep 20 2007 9:54 AM

this is absolutely fantastic stuff

thanks a million

Vicki wrote re: Great tools for Internet Explorer: Spell check, Open last closed tab, Auto refresh and more (IE7 Add-ons)
on Wed, Jun 3 2009 1:09 PM

How can I get these add ons for IE8?  I currently use Maxthon2.5.1 because I can have everything open in a new tab and when my favorites pile up it automatically starts a new row next to the first row so I can see everything at a glance. I don't need the scroll bar...it's great. How can these features be incorporated in IE8?

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