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Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager and Small Business Accounting 2006 - Update for Vista and Office 2007 support

Service Pack 4 for Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager Update and for Small Business Accounting 2006 fixes the following issues that were not previously documented in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  • Application compatibility with Windows Vista
  • Application compatibility between Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager Update and Office Accounting 2007

Source: Description of Service Pack 4 for Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager Update and for Small Business Accounting 2006





Posted Sat, Mar 10 2007 6:30 AM by David Overton


Helen wrote re: Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager and Small Business Accounting 2006 - Update for Vista and Office 2007 support
on Tue, Aug 7 2007 5:04 PM


I am a small business owner and just discovered that Outlook offers Business Contact Management. I currently have Outlook 2003 and am trying to fnd out what I can do to get familiar with this version before upgrading to make sure  need to.

Is BCM a free download for specific MS Outlook Products? Where would I find it and will it cause any problems if I try to download to the 2003 version before 2007? Is 2007 just a better way to go?

Thank you,


David Overton wrote re: Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager and Small Business Accounting 2006 - Update for Vista and Office 2007 support
on Thu, Aug 9 2007 8:07 PM


BCM is available for Office 2003 Small Business Edition and Pro (if I remember correctly).  Go to http://download.microsoft.com/ and search for bcm office 2003 downloads and you should find an update that will enable you to load it.  Obviously the BCM in Office 2007 is even better - you can go play with it by trialling Office online (no downloading office, simply play in a browser window).  let me know if you need the url for that.



Hotsauceee wrote re: Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager and Small Business Accounting 2006 - Update for Vista and Office 2007 support
on Thu, Dec 13 2007 2:57 PM

Ok so riddle me this SBS folks:)

I'm running SBS 2003 on a small network of Vista computers... so why does my update manager keep pushing out Outlook 2003 updates and crashing everybody's Outlook 2007! Uncanny... I always try to go into update manager and decline the 2003 updates, but twice now I've missed them and I've had to go and run office  diagnostics app on all the client computers.

Is there something I'm missing here? H-E-L-P!

David Overton wrote re: Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager and Small Business Accounting 2006 - Update for Vista and Office 2007 support
on Fri, Dec 14 2007 8:59 AM

Hot Sauceee,

1st, if you go into Add / Remove programs, are there any Office 2003 components there - if so, that is why the updates go out.  Now 2nd item, if Office 2003 updates are crashing Office 2007, log a call with Microsoft.  Problems with Security updates are normally handled for free as are bugs.  If however the problem is a non-MS piece of software that is actually causing the problem or bad configuration on your part (eg trying to have Outlook 2003 and 2007 on the same system) then you will be charged for the call.

This is not normal or expected behaviour, so look carefully and then call the support.

Please let us know how you get on.



Hotsauceee wrote re: Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager and Small Business Accounting 2006 - Update for Vista and Office 2007 support
on Fri, Dec 14 2007 1:52 PM

Ah, yes. A simple and beautiful answer. I was thinking the problem was much more complicated than it was, and was also looking for the problem on the server side rather than the client side. It had never dawned on me that whoever set up the client PC's would have installed 2007, while there was a valid install of 2003. Regardless, I've uninstalled 2003 off many of the client machines, and that seems to be the most obvious reason why the server would push out updates. (duh!) Now it is also established that these two versions do not play well together. If you google-fu the term exsec.dll you will find a little more documentation and detail on the actual incompatibility. (this is the particular file 2007 claims to be incompatible with, after security updates are deployed) I plan to follow up with Msoft, just as an FYI and to be sure they are aware of the issue.

Thanks a million

Top End Ben wrote re: Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager and Small Business Accounting 2006 - Update for Vista and Office 2007 support
on Fri, Feb 8 2008 1:40 AM

David - I am an amatuer at this but have a bckup file for my BCM 2003 which I am trying to get to use in the 2007 version - are there notes you can point me to on how to do this?


Julio wrote re: Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager and Small Business Accounting 2006 - Update for Vista and Office 2007 support
on Fri, Feb 15 2008 3:43 PM

I have BCM 2003 and BCM 2007 and am thinking of using them both on a windows 2003 server. is there a compatibility issue. CAn we run different versions of BCN on the exchange server without problems, or do we all have to be on 2007?

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