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Korea sees robotics as a key future area and is pumping in R&D to build on it, Robots learning to walk, Robots helping the elderly and finally the Microsoft

I really like to see robotics coming ahead leaps and bounds and also a bit of Azimov fear and the requirements of "ethical roles and functions".  I have a lego Mindstorm kit that Mel bought me a while back, but somehow I don't think this is quite where they are.  Having said that, if you are into robotics, it might be worth you having a look at http://msdn.microsoft.com/robotics/





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Robotic ethics

Robotic age poses ethical dilemma
“The South Korean government has identified robotics as a key economic driver and is pumping millions of dollars into research. “The government plans to set ethical guidelines concerning the roles and functions of robots as robots are expected to develop strong intelligence in the near future,” the ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy said.”



Learning to walk

Walking robot steps up the pace
“A humanoid robot is teaching itself to walk and eventually run around a California research lab. Dexter took its first tentative steps only a few days after it first discovered how to stand upright. Dexter’s designers say their robot differs from commercially available predecessors because it can learn from its mistakes.”



Robots for the elderly

University of Tokyo crafts tea-grabbing humanoid to serve you better
“In an effort to create a tactical team of droids ready and willing to serve the aging population of Japan, the team is working with Kawada Industries Inc. to create friendly robots that can assist folks with around the house chores such as pouring tea and cleaning the dishes. Several models were out and about during a recent demonstration, as one wheeled bot delivered beverages to its master, and other renditions responded to human movements and the bevy of sensors installed in the floor and sofa of a room.”

Posted Sun, Mar 18 2007 8:10 PM by David Overton
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