I saw this over at Henrik's blog and throught it might be of interest to the SBSC community. I like this. While I discovered that demoing something like this using a free VoIP service was a bad idea, using OK quality phones delivers an amazing experience. Obviously we will not see Exchange 2007 embedded in SBS until Cougar ships, it can still be provided as a hosted service, on a 2nd machine or for a partner internally using the Action Pack copy that should ship next month (fingers crossed).
For more information, pop over to Henrik's blog on the subject, including the link to the trial.
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Hosted Trial
Like it was the case right after Exchange 2003 RTM, you can also sign up for an Exchange 2007 tempoary account…
“Welcome to the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Hosted Trial web site. You can create a temporary account to experience the features of Exchange Server 2007 which will stay active for 5 days. Your account will be pre-populated with sample messages, calendar appointments and a voice message to help you have a rich experience. You will be able to send and receive mail, schedule meetings, and adjust your options. You can access your account via Outlook Web Access, Outlook, or an Exchange Active-Sync compatible application. Please review your pre-populated messages for details.”
Source: Henrik Walther Blog » Blog Archive » Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Hosted Trial
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Exchange 2007,
Thu, Mar 22 2007 2:26 PM
David Overton
Filed under: Office System, Community, Exchange, VoIP, SBSC, Office 2007, Action Pack, Outlook, Demo, Tips, Trial, OWA