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Fantastic looking MiniPC's from Engadget - SA800 is stacked and ready to roll

As is always the case, saw this and thought I would pass it on.

Oh modular box of silicon affection, how we love thee. The latest -- the SA800 -- from MiniPC (Japan) is a DIY house of fun packing up to a Core 2 Duo T7600, 2GB of 667MHz DDR2 memory, 2.5-inch 40GB SATA disk, and an Intel 945GT chipset. Want more disk, no problem, stack a 3.5-incher in an extra slab above. Better video with HDMI-out or optical drives? Yup, they've got a stackable component for that and more. Have it your way starting early July in Japan.

MiniPC's SA800 is stacked and ready to roll

Posted Jun 29th 2007 8:57AM by Thomas Ricker
Filed under: Desktops

MiniPC's SA800 is stacked and ready to roll - Engadget




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Posted Fri, Jun 29 2007 8:01 PM by David Overton
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