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Glass/ translucent Toast and balloons in Vista from Tweaking with Vishal

I got a mail from a MVP asking me to link to his site.  This is not that uncommon an experience, but often I can not find anything in common, however Vishal's request is different.  I found lots to link about.  Added to this is the fact that Steve Clayton recently blogged on something I covered ages ago (Steve's was at Change your Vista logon screen and mine at Vista enhancements and utilities (changing the screen savers, adding extra search functionality, but I've just realised he's not got me on his blog roll!!)

The 1st link is how to go from the "new" opaque balloons translucent ones ala early betas of Vista

 Glass Toast: Get longhorn 4xxx style Glassy notification balloons in Windows XP / 2003 and Vista

From this

To this: GlassToast

Download link and more at Glass Toast: Get longhorn 4xxx style Glassy notification balloons in Windows XP / 2003 and Vista | Tweaking with Vishal



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Posted Sat, Nov 24 2007 3:17 AM by David Overton


Vlad Mazek wrote re: Glass/ translucent Toast and balloons in Vista from Tweaking with Vishal
on Sun, Nov 25 2007 3:01 PM

I want to look at his site, I really do, but browsing it makes me feel like I've clicked a wrong link for a free download and ended up in a spyware hellhole.

I've seen adult entertainment sites that featured less places you could click on to send money. I am not suggesting anyone work for free but at some point there needs to be some content in between the ads or it loses merit (and audience).


David Overton wrote re: Glass/ translucent Toast and balloons in Vista from Tweaking with Vishal
on Sun, Nov 25 2007 5:31 PM


I know where you are coming from.  The glass tool can be downloaded directly from mpj.tomaatnet.nl/glasstoast.zip



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