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Moving SBS 2003 to new hardware or performing a migration – Update (QFE) to give you longer to do it (21 days up from the 7 days)

From The Official SBS Blog : Small Business Server 2003 Migration Update 943494 Released, a slightly old post, but something work highlighting – how to have 2 SBS boxes on the same network for 21 days.

Small Business Server 2003 Migration Update 943494 Released

[Today's post comes to us courtesy of Justin Crosby]

The software license terms for Windows SBS enforce a limitation that permits the presence of only one Windows SBS server in the domain. However, there is a grace period where you can have a second SBS server in “join domain” type migration scenarios. This grace period is 7 days. In some situations, this grace period may not be long enough to properly complete the migration.

This software update extends the allowable grace period for the supported scenarios from 7 days to 21 days.  Please plan accordingly, aim to complete your migration within 7 days and only use this update for situations where it is needed. Remember, if you hit the 21 day limit there is nothing that can be done to extend the limit any further.

Important: We strongly recommend that you complete all migration tasks before you demote the Windows SBS domain controller to a member server. Once you demote the Windows SBS domain controller to a member server, the grace period is reset back to 7 days or whatever is left from the 21 days (whichever is less).

The update is available at: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=64903D3C-3264-418D-9199-2963A599E268

The KB is available at: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;943494

For more information on migrating Windows Small Business Server 2003 to new hardware please see: http://technet2.microsoft.com/WindowsServerSolutions/SBS/en/library/62e2094e-ad4e-4227-b20e-97a716ed7c861033.mspx



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Posted Thu, Jun 19 2008 11:46 PM by David Overton


Dave C wrote re: Moving SBS 2003 to new hardware or performing a migration – Update (QFE) to give you longer to do it (21 days up from the 7 days)
on Fri, Jul 25 2008 8:48 AM

Can you move an OEM copy of SBS to new hardware ?

I can guess the answer...

David Overton wrote re: Moving SBS 2003 to new hardware or performing a migration – Update (QFE) to give you longer to do it (21 days up from the 7 days)
on Sat, Jul 26 2008 6:49 PM

Dave C - OEM is tied to the hardware it is first installed on, before the customer uses it.



Jonathon Kim wrote re: Moving SBS 2003 to new hardware or performing a migration – Update (QFE) to give you longer to do it (21 days up from the 7 days)
on Sun, Jun 14 2009 8:38 PM

Im doing one right now....

My customer is going from some PC build to a HP Proliant DL380.

The OS: SBS 2003 OEM

And yes it can be done

Jeffr wrote re: Moving SBS 2003 to new hardware or performing a migration – Update (QFE) to give you longer to do it (21 days up from the 7 days)
on Thu, May 20 2010 3:57 AM

Does the grace peiod also extend to SQL on SBS 2003 Premium?  We are having difficulty installing an 2003 instance of SQL Server on SBS 2003 which is in an extended grace period.  The SQL installation does not enable us up reinstall full SQL or create an instance.

David Overton wrote re: Moving SBS 2003 to new hardware or performing a migration – Update (QFE) to give you longer to do it (21 days up from the 7 days)
on Thu, May 20 2010 6:52 PM


I don't believe the grace period impacts SQL, however if you have less than 3 weeks left to complete your migration, surely installing SQL on SBS 2008 would be a better option, or postpone the installation until the migration is finished.



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