Preparing to migrate from SBS 2003
If you are migrating from SBS 2003 to SBS 2008 then there are a number of preparatory steps you need to complete. In this chapter I will cover off the preparation required to migrate from SBS 2003 to SBS 2008. This will cover off the following steps:
- Checking your SBS 2003 server is healthy
- Backing up the server
- Installing required software
- Changing SBS 2003 to prepare it for migration
- Completing the migration tools
I will also answer some questions that enable you to decide when and how to perform a migration.
I then explain the steps of migration that you will need to follow:
- Plan the migration process including how you will move 3rd party applications
- Communicate plan and impact to users and get agreement on impact
- Checking the health of SBS 2003 Active Directory
- Backup existing server
- Change network configuration to match SBS 2008 design requirements
- Update software on SBS 2003
- Change Active Directory functionality level
- Confirm SBS 2003 is currently configured at best practice levels
- Remove unnecessary e-mail from Exchange
- Check permissions are set to allow a migration
- Prepare SBS 2003 Time Synchronisation
- Run the migration tool on SBS 2003
- Prepare migration of line-of-business applications
- Complete the answer file for SBS 2008 migration
One of the most important steps in migrating is moving from a SBS network design with two network cards to a solution with one network card (as per the two diagrams below)
To order the book, go to . To find out more about my SBS 2008 BOOK - SBS 2008, Installation, Migration and Configuration click here
thanks David
Thu, Apr 9 2009 8:29 AM
David Overton