This site is my way to share my views and general business and IT information with you about Microsoft, IT solutions for ISVs, technologists and businesses, large and small.  


  • Microsoft makes Virtual Server Free and buys Pro-Clarity

    Well folks, I could not tell you this was coming (and only knew about the price change in Virtual Server), but it is quite a day for news. VS becoming free means that all you who wanted to look at it for Swing Migrations, or small projects can now do so, although check the requirements for licesnes inside the VMs. Anyway, the two News items are: April 3, 2006 • Microsoft Agrees to Acquire ProClarity, Enhancing Business Intelligence Offering Leader in advanced analytics adds to Microsoft’s comprehensive BI capabilities. • Q&A: Bringing the Benefits of Virtualization Technology to the Mainstream Microsoft delivers Linux support and makes Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2 available to customers at no charge as part of its ongoing effort to radically simplify IT management. ttfn David
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Tue, Apr 4 2006
  • Blog moving

    My blog will be moving to the new address of http://uksbsguy.com/blogs/doverton/default.aspx and the RSS feed will become http://uksbsguy.com/blogs/doverton/RSS.aspx on the 9th April. Until then, continue to use this feed
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Mon, Apr 3 2006
  • 2nd Partner Group lead now blogging on the site

    This is just a quick note to say welcome to Ian Watkins who is the London Partner Group lead and also a recent SBSC member. Ian is now also blogging on the web site. His blog can be found at http://uksbsguy.com/blogs/ianwatkins/default.aspx or the RSS feed at http://uksbsguy.com/blogs/ianwatkins/rss.aspx . Ian joins Susanne with her blog at http://uksbsguy.com/blogs/susanne_dansey/default.aspx or the RSS feed at http://uksbsguy.com/blogs/susanne_dansey/rss.aspx . Look out for more soon. ttfn David
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Mon, Apr 3 2006
  • Microsoft Licencing as Religious Enlightenment.......

    I'm fairly convinced that there only a select few who Truly Understand MS Licencing. These are the High Priests. They are the only ones who are privy to The Inner Secrets. The Prolitatriat and the bog-standard Priesthood (who are on the Licencing Desk or who work for Distributors) are left to struggle on in the dark as best they can. Occassionally a member of the Priesthood or Redmond Forbid one of the Prolitariat have a flash of insight into the inner workings of Licencing. However the feeling of Enlightenment and Well-Being soon dissolves when one the High Priesthood gently explains that it really Isn't Like That At All. Gloom and Despondency then returns to those who are not so Enlightened.......
  • London Small Business IT Pro Group meeting 10th April - SPECIAL GUESTS

    One of the things I do for my sins (many and varied the must be) is lead the London Small Business IT Pro Group. We have a great treat for you all this month! We have two guest speakers this month hot on the heels of their presentations at SMB Nation, Amsterdam. - Karl Palachuk (Sacramento SBS Partner Group leader & author of the “Network Documentation Workbook”) - Matthew Dickerson (one of Australia’s leading SBS partners & rated as #1 in Harry Brelsford's bright blue “Making it Big in Small Business” book covering 15 of the top SBS partners worldwide) Basically, these guys are some of the best SBS partners in the world (up there with Harry Brelsford) & will be giving their time freely as special guests at the London, Thames Valley & Midlands SBS Partner Groups. Perfect opportunity for us to learn from the best (about their business models, not just technical stuff). Both Karl and Matthew are experts in providing Managed Services to their clients as well as having a wealth of experience in running...
  • Off topic - This is awesome - BBC plans for internet & Vista

    Hi guys, this is something that truely knocked me out - check out the next gen of BBC with Windows Vista - site found at http://blog.mix06.com/virtualmix/archive/2006/03/17/BBC_demo.aspx and the video is linked through the video files forum on the site http://uksbsguy.com/files/18/videos/default.aspx ttfn David
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Sat, Apr 1 2006
  • Connect iPaq to Motorola L6

    Just had to replace my aging (and totally horrible) Sony Ericsson T610 phone when it decided that life was no longer worth living. Basically I traded it's corpse in for the cheapest bluetooth phone the local Orange shop had, a Motorola L6. As I use my iPaq and Outlook Mobile Access to read email whilst I'm out of the office I needed to get the iPaq to talk to Orange GPRS via bluetooth and my phone. Basically the procedure is as follows: 1) Pair the iPaq and the phone. I won't go into that here. Look in the phone and iPaq docs on how to do that. 2) Open the Connections applet (Start, Settings, Connections tab). Click on Connections. 3) Add a new modem connection 4) Choose a meaningful name for the Connection and select "Bluetooth Dialup Modem". Click on next. 5) Enter *99# in the number field. Click on use dialling rules and ensure Use dialling rules is unchecked. 6) Enter "user" and "pass" in the username and password fields (without the quotes). 7) Click on Advanced. Change the baud rate to 57600 and enter the...
  • Hello and welcome.....

    Hi! Welcome to my blog...... I am hoping to use this to drop bits and pieces of information that I come across as I do consultancy work for my SME clients here in Peterborough. Partly so that I can pass those things on to all and sundry, but also somewhere where I can find them when I need them again!! A bit about me...... I run an IT Consultancy in Peterborough, UK working with a wide range of SME companies in the area. Our main focus is on Small Business Server 2003, but we have clients running on a wide range (both in size and age!) of Microsoft platforms. My passion is to see real business benefit come out of my client's investment in IT. Hope you enjoy what you read!
  • Video's everywhere

    Hello, I have started added video links into the site - have a look under http://uksbsguy.com/files , but until I do so, you might also want to have a look at the following items on the Microsoft Partner blog site ( http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/blog ) http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/blog/demo01-gettingemailanywhere.wvx http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/blog/demo03-realtimecommunications.wvx http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/blog/demo04-datavisualisation.wvx http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/blog/demo05-portals.wvx http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/blog/demo06-electronicforms.wvx http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/blog/demo08a-businesssolutions.wvx http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/blog/demo08b-businesssolutions.wvx http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/blog/demo08c-businesssolutions.wvx http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/blog/demo11-crm.wvx http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/blog/demo13-enterpriseprojectmanagement.wvx ttfn David
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Fri, Mar 31 2006
  • Dave Sayers posts on Patching Pain

    Dave Sayers is a great guy (most of the time), is part of the same team as me, but has a very strange hobby - he worries about security and patching. We have an item that is not too technical on the web site at http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/sales_and_marketing/pts-press/articles/patching_pains.aspx Worth a very quick scan for the more salesy people :-) ttfn David
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Fri, Mar 31 2006
  • Security Discussion

    While many people poo-poo the site, have a look at the get safe online site – it does do the job that people are asking for. John and Peter raised some interesting points. Some customers just do not believe that security is a threat they have to pay attention to, or that it requires real management to fix. This is something we can start to work towards. We do have materials on bCentral.co.uk around security which is key for business and obviously the www.microsoft.com/security newsletters to our partners. I was also asked “how long should I wait before I apply a patch”. This is always a difficult question in the real world, but you basically have to weigh between – what is the impact if I don’t apply the patch and what is the worst case if I do. On the “If I do not” front, then the system could be compromised, data lost or the server turned into a bot. If it is really nasty, it could also gather information from the employees potentially impacting both the business and it’s staff personally. On the flip site,...
  • Tour of Scotland - 2 down, 1 to go and only shot once, but I think it is only a flesh wound

    Last night was my second Partner Group meeting in Scotland. I have seen the delights of Aberdeen (previously I had only seen the docs and this was a very interesting perspective on life) and the joys of Glasgow - I discovered that the local offices for many businesses appear to be the SAS Radisson Hotel which USED to have free wireless. On my 1st night we spent our time talking about the importance of training and Office and Vista. Then last night at Glasgow we spoke about training again (as QA were a guest for the night) and Security. While one person successfully tackled me on security I hope I got across the theme that security is simple if rules are followed. To follow up on these subjects, I thought I would do a quick "David" to each area. Many people tackle me with 2 questions on training: Why do I have to go get training before I sit an exam and Why can I not just do on the job training? I always get a bit ratty about the 1st one as my answer is that if you know the technology enough to sit the exam without...
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Thu, Mar 30 2006
  • More people blogging on the site - SBS Partner Group leaders

    Hello guys, I have invited the UK Partner Group leaders to blog if they desire on this site. For those who do, you can see all the leader blogs by going to http://uksbsguy.com/blogs/default.aspx?GroupID=4 or all the MS folks by going to http://uksbsguy.com/blogs/default.aspx?GroupID=14 , or all blogs together by going to http://uksbsguy.com/blogs . Susanne Dansey, the Kent leader has already made her 1st post, which can be found at http://uksbsguy.com/blogs/susanne_dansey/default.aspx , while Time Long who runs the South Wales group has blogs at http://community.tigranetworks.co.uk/blogs/default.aspx Obviously these can all be found on RSS feeds too: Everyone's - http://uksbsguy.com/blogs/MainFeed.aspx SBS Leads - http://uksbsguy.com/blogs/MainFeed.aspx?GroupID=4 MS People - http://uksbsguy.com/blogs/MainFeed.aspx?GroupID=14 Susanne's - http://uksbsguy.com/blogs/susanne_dansey/rss.aspx Mine (OK, so the RSS link is long, so you can use the re-direct one too) http://uksbsguy.com/blogs/david_overtons_blog_more_technical...
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Mon, Mar 27 2006
  • FSB presentation on security (online, credit card, phishing, backups etc)

    Hi guys - I managed to fill the fringe meeting room and then some today with this discussion. The workshop seemed to be a success and discussed the several forms of security peope need to worry about, from remembering to test backups to getting a quality partner to work with. The slides are available in PDF format (one of the output formats from 2007 Microsoft Office system) :-) http://uksbsguy.com/files/12/fsb_event/entry190.aspx to download the file. ttfn David
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Sat, Mar 25 2006
  • FSB want to work with SBSC & Partner Group Partners

    I have just posted a forum entry to http://uksbsguy.com/forums/183/ShowThread.aspx#183 as several members of the FSB have asked me about working together with SBSC members to present to their groups. The FSB has over 192,000 members, so a large opportunity and they are all small businesses. Interest is rising in the use of technology to solve business problems with key topics today being SBS, professional mail, remote working, sharing data, customer / contact management and general upgrade questions. I can put people in touch with the regional officers for the FSB if desired. They think they can provide a bas or 70+ people to joint events!! ttfn David
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Fri, Mar 24 2006
  • I have added more RSS feeds into the "Roller"

    Howdy folks, I have added a number of RSS feeds into the roller if you want to see what I think is interesting. This covers SBS sites, technology sites and the Partner (User) Group sites. Pop along to http://uksbsguy.com/roller/default.aspx to see them in action ttfn David
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Fri, Mar 24 2006
    Filed under:
  • Vista and Office roadmap changes

    Hi, many of you may have seen me present Vista and Office at recent events and I thought it was only fair that I updated you on the changes that have been annoucned over the past few days. Two press releases have been made, both confirming the ship and launch plans for the products, which now falls before and after January. http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2006/mar06/03-24OfficeTimingPR.mspx covers the Office plan and annoucnes that the product with RTM in October and a release to Software Assurance customers will happen pre-Christmas and an aligned launch with Vista will happend in January. http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2006/mar06/03-21WindowsVistaDeliveryPR.mspx states pretty much the same, with Software Assurance customers getting access pre-Christmas and the launch (obviously as it is joint), in January. This is being described in the press releases as a business and consumer launch, but since many small business customers do not have Software Assurance, they will be in the January group...
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Fri, Mar 24 2006
  • Get a view of the UK Technical PTSs (people like me) and UK Partner Programme blogs

    http://blogs.technet.com/msppuk/ I could leave it simply like that, but this is a great blog by Alex to help tell you about all the good things going on in the partner land. It also has a link to mine & my colleages blogs, so if you want to find someone who can answer your question on RTC or E12 or What is People Ready Business, this is the place to visit. ttfn David
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Tue, Mar 21 2006
  • ISA & SBS is Secure

    Talking about SBS is never the easist thing to do, people ask about security, what can it do for them and people are also sometimes put off by the Enterprise focus on much of the SBS information out there. This is no longer true, if you go to http://isainsbs.blogspot.com/ , which is a fabulious blog by Amy you will see ISA information that is relivant for SBS 2003 & ISA 2004. I have also put some basic ideas on what ISA can do for you in the forum - http://uksbsguy.com/forums/thread/145.aspx as always, feedback is welcome ttfn David
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Tue, Mar 21 2006
  • Don't forget you can ask me questions and get answers today online - Live - 4:30pm

    I have a web conference today that you are welcome to join. I will be answering questions about ISA 2004, Windows mobile and branch office deployments. You can register by going to http://msevents-eu.microsoft.com/cui/WebCastEventDetails.aspx?EventID=118770024&EventCategory=4&culture=en-GB&CountryCode=GB and you will get the web links. See you there ttfn David
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Tue, Mar 21 2006
  • Site up and down - the moral of the story is to not do config when you are tired

    Sometimes it is possible to do some really, really stupid things. I thought I would share it with you all as 1) you may have noticed a little less availability to the site and 2) this is just to prove that I am human too What did I do, well, I was playing with ISA 2004 on the SBS system that this site runs on and changing the rules. It was late at night and my timetable has been busy to say the least recently, so I decided to fiddle with http headers in SBS. The problem was that I changed the headers to be blocked, rather than the headers to use, so the site was passing all content for uksbsguy.com through, but blocking any headers from that site .. major badness ANyway, this is fixed, when looking at it in the cold light of day, and you should see the site be 100% available again. Oh, now where did I put my halo..... ttfn David
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Tue, Mar 21 2006
  • Want to know a litttle bit about our other products - watch it here

    The team I am part of is a fun little group and we made a roup of videos which discuss our technology. Each video is just a few minutes long, but might give you the overview you need before or after the meetings. The videos we have are: http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/blog/demo01-gettingemailanywhere.wvx http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/blog/demo03-realtimecommunications.wvx http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/blog/demo04-datavisualisation.wvx http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/blog/demo05-portals.wvx http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/blog/demo06-electronicforms.wvx http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/blog/demo08a-businesssolutions.wvx http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/blog/demo08b-businesssolutions.wvx http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/blog/demo08c-businesssolutions.wvx http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/blog/demo11-crm.wvx http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/blog/demo13-enterpriseprojectmanagement.wvx I am sure you can figure out which is which. ttfn David
  • CRM V3.0 Demo tools (inc VPC)

    I have posted details in the forums, but there are a great set of tools to help you learn, use and sell MS CRM V3.0. This information was provided by Dan Best at the Bristol Partner Group ... good on ya Dan . About the only bad thing is that I was not aware of it until Dan told me. Anyway, go to the forum posting for more information, but the basic link is http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=a8edfc7b-01d8-4500-845b-01370d4eed21&DisplayLang=en and the forum to discuss these can be found at http://uksbsguy.com/forums/thread/140.aspx ttfn David
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Sun, Mar 19 2006
    Filed under: ,
  • Training to help Accelerate Sales & Profitability in the Small Business Channel

    I was asked last night to start telling people about training and courses. This course needs more people in London & Manchester for us to be happy (7th & 10th April) - more details in the forum - http://uksbsguy.com/forums/thread/116.aspx ttfn David
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Fri, Mar 17 2006
    Filed under:
  • Freezing in Bristol

    Yesterday I spent a couple of hours with the Bristol Partner Group (a Partner Group is a User Group, expect all it's members are partners). It was a great time listening to peoples needs and offering information from Microsoft. I have posted a note to the forum http://uksbsguy.com/forums/thread/102.aspx with all the details. It has also raised some great questions along the way that have been posted to the SBS and training areas. I have created a training forum found at http://uksbsguy.com/forums/21/ShowForum.aspx where you can choose to get e-mails when anything changes and I will post training information as I find it for you. ttfn David P.S. Why freezing in Bristol... well the reception was very warming, but once i left I found myself spending 90 minutes on a freezing cold platform waiting for a train heading Reading way.
    Posted to David Overton's Blog by David Overton on Fri, Mar 17 2006

(c)David Overton 2006-23