[updated 25/02/2013] - The next version has now been submitted to Microsoft. Information on the updated version can be found here.
This is an update on my Sync tool. Thank-you to all those who have provided input, submitted bugs and made other suggestions.
The updated version is not yet ready to go into the Windows Store yet, but feedback and suggestions are still welcome. I’ve been asked by Microsoft to change the logo and name, so this is what we now have:
- Adding selective folder sync
- Made more “metro like” with reduced colours, no rounded corners, remove gradient background
- Bug fixing on file upload
- Bug fixing on file download
- Detect deleted files to enable removal
- Removed the cache files from the SkyDrive sync folder
- Sync activities now reported in flip out panel
- New 1st time experience
- Link to web site included in the settings menu
Hopefully the updates will make people happy and unless you are syncing all your folders, after the first time start-up, scanning of both local are SkyDrive folders will be faster.
The new look will be something like this:
When selecting folder – the ability to select whole trees (double tap/click), single folders (single tap/click) and collapse folders (italic to show content is hidden):
When in file selection mode, folder names in bold have updated files in them:
The request list currently has the following in it:
- Background sync (from the lock screen)
- Auto select all new and changed files when opening the app
I hope to post an update for next week.
Tue, Feb 12 2013 8:33 AM
David Overton