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Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog

 I think it is credit where credit is due here.  The community is slowly resolving the issues we are seeing with Office 2007.  I have asked John to log a call with Microsoft so that we can track the issues internally, get bugs issued and get fixes out there.  Because any fix we produce has to go through threat modeling and regression testing, we rarely release them with haste unless they are impacting a significant number of users or are a security threat.

However, John has documented many of the problems and solutions, so it is worth a look

Problem with Outlook 2007 - Email Receive is Broken!
19 February 2007

As people start to use Outlook 2007, there is an alarming pattern starting to emerge regarding performance issues when receiving POP3 email. Even the smallest and most trivial of emails can take ages to download and be available, ranging from 30 seconds to minutes. During this time, Outlook and Windows can become slow to respond or become completely unresponsive, usually returning to normal when the send/receive cycle has completed.

Source: Roundtrip Solutions Blog


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Posted Mon, Feb 26 2007 6:28 PM by David Overton


OfficeExpert wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Tue, Mar 6 2007 8:05 AM

It seems that most of those issues (judging by what people are writing in the newsgroups) are related to a deadly combination of big PST file and Windows Desktop Search. Personally i don't have biger issues with my POP3 account, it's slower than 2003, but it's usable. However the question is whether people are willing to spend counple of hundred bucks on something that 'is usable'?

David Overton wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Tue, Mar 6 2007 9:05 AM

Hi there Office Expert.  I hear what you say, but having had a call open with the Microsoft support team for a couple of weeks, it does not appear to be the case.  There is more going on here.



David Gillespie wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Wed, Mar 14 2007 4:03 PM

I'm in the middle of trying to make Outlook 2007 work with my MSN Mail account.  I can receive mail, but can't send.  Only error is "cookies are not enabled for your email server domain."  I've enable cookies everywhere I can find, and mail still will not go out.

The messages go to the Outbox.  The Outbox is located in the Personal Folder, and the actual mail account does not seem to know about it.

Any ideas are welcome, I'm just trying to get away from the MSN web client..

Ralph McMillan wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Sat, Mar 17 2007 10:28 PM

Hi, I am having similar problems with outlook 2007.

I've recently purchased a new computer which came preloaded with MS Office 2007. I now find that Oulook takes certain emails and holds them in the outbox whereas other emails get sent straight away. Why?

It's nothing to do with the size of the email nor attachments as I've tried sending both large and small and with and without attachments. It has become very frustrating!

It would seem that I'm not the only one with problems. Microsoft need to get this sorted ASAP

eddie wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Tue, Mar 27 2007 11:32 PM

my outlook has just stopped working same problem. any idea of when a fix will come and whatis a PST file?

Justin wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Mon, Apr 30 2007 5:12 PM
I recently upgraded from an earlier version of Outlook that no longer was fully supported to Outlook 2007 running on my XP machine--i am having difficulty sending and receiving pop3 mail from my Yahoo accounts (Yahoo mail plus and yahoo bizmail). I had no difficulty with pop3 mail from either account with my earlier version of Outlook. Can you guys get with the Yahoo small business people and post a comprehensive set of instructions to configure Outlook 2007 Pop3 for Yahoo Mail Plus and Yahoo bizmail? I followed the instructions posted on the yahoo site... help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/original/mailplus/pop/pop-36.html and it doesn't seem to work properly. Pop3 mail is important to small business people. why can't you guys make something simple that works? thanks
David Overton wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Mon, Apr 30 2007 5:26 PM


"us people" do try to make things work, as does Yahoo - hence the comprehensive instructions.  In what way is it not working?  Are you ensuring you DON't have @yahoo.com on your login name, but do for the e-mail address?

If you want to post the issues you are having I can start to help.



Justin wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Tue, May 1 2007 3:33 AM
Thanks David, I appreciate your response. When i set up my Yahoo POP3 account about a week ago I followed the exact instructions here: help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/original/mailplus/pop/pop-36.html Sending and receiving worked without issue--until today when I was unable to send email and received an error (0x800CCC0F) It is strange because I didn't change anything--no settings, etc--and somehow I cant send from Outlook. So I checked all my settings again per the site above to no avail. And indeed, i am not using my @yahoo.com for my email but I do for my email address. thanks for your time and help with this, Justin
David Overton wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Tue, May 1 2007 7:25 AM


I've just gone through the process myself to test and it all works - the details can be found at uksbsguy.com/.../setting-up-yahoo-mail-plus-the-paid-for-service-for-pop3-download-into-outlook-2007.aspx - If it was all working and is not now - I would look at anti-virus software and the yahoo service for the cause.



justin wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Tue, May 1 2007 12:20 PM
thanks David, it is working now--i used your much shorter set up process rather than the yahoo process, which is much longer. But i did scrutinize the yahoo instructions again to see what i was missing. Here it is: after step five the yahoo instructions ought to instruct you to type and retype your password. I followed the instructions very precisely so I left those two boxes blank. "we people" listen carefully to what "you people" tell us to do. Leaving the password boxes blank on the initial pages must be the cause of the error i received. Thanks for your help and tell Ballmer you need a day off to go sailing. justin
David Overton wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Tue, May 1 2007 5:19 PM


I'm so glad it works. "Us people" do care and try hard ;-)

I thought your plight was so needy that I even paid the Yahoo £12 annual fee to get a Yahoo account with POP3 e-mail (which I have also cancelled again today as I don't need another e-mail account).

Glad it works... and hopefully you will believe that "we" do also listen to "you" (or at least at Microsoft we do)



condedon wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Wed, May 30 2007 4:42 PM

I too have performance issues with OUTLOOK 2007 on Windows VISTA. It has nothing to do with PST file being too large (my PST is under 10MB). Sending an attachment of about 200KB takes from 15 to 30 minutes. I also run OUTLOOK 2007 on a Windows XP system and sending 5MB attachment takes 2 to 3 minutes. This led me to think it's something to do with OUTLOOK 2007 on a Windows Vista syatem. Still looking for a fix.

Marian Nedlcu wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Tue, Jun 5 2007 7:51 PM

I can't configure outlook 2007 in order to receive mails from yahoo.com.

I tried to find the solution on internet. Of course, I found some steps like these:

E-mail address: [email protected];

Incoming mail server: pop.mail.yahoo.com;

Outgoing mail server: smtp.mail.yahoo.com;

User name: myaccount;

Password: mypassword;

After all it does'nt work. Is it necessary to make any configurations in Control Panel? What is Outlook Excenge? Is it something related with this?

Temaki wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Thu, Jun 7 2007 10:58 PM
David: I already followed all ur instructions but it's still not working ! i can't send e-mail. though i turned off mail anti-virus, configured mail account correctly..but... :( what can i do? at first, i recieved emails from Yahoo!mail after configuring, however i was unable to send any email ! and later i even couldnt recieve or send anything ! i'm using Win VISTA Ultimate and Office Ultimate 2007
David Overton wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Thu, Jun 7 2007 11:10 PM


Have you contacted Yahoo to see if there is a problem at their end?



toni wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Fri, Jun 15 2007 7:41 PM

hello.  i'm having some similar issues, and have tried to contact yahoo, but to no avail!  I cannot seem to find an answer and it's driving me crazy!!!  I can receive all emails, but i cannot seem to send any, not even to myself.  however, since i've been trying this for two days now with about 50 emails, every once in a while i'll get a random email that i sent for testing purposes.  what the heck is going on here and why can't i contact yahoo?

LBaab wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Thu, Jul 19 2007 12:43 PM

I am using Outlook 2007 from home to download mail from university server and send through ISP server.  POP3 account choice grayed-out.  Settings require IPS email address for outgoing mail server settings.  Also set "reply email" to be university email.  With 2003, students saw university email as 'sender' (reply to) but now see ISP server, which is agains unviersity policy.  

Is there some way in 2007 to get 'reply email' to show instead of email address for outgoing server?


Matt wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Wed, Aug 8 2007 5:45 PM

I am having a slightly similar problem, but it's much more complex... well I hope I am just overlooking some minor detail.  SO here it goes...

Our Company has an exchange 2003 Server That sits behind a Cisco Concentrator. Our satellite offices connect through POP/SMTP over SSL.  We have been doing this for the last couple years with no problems.  We recently received a brand new dell with the wonderful Office 2007 installed and now Outlook 2007 will not log into the POP box...  Outlook express, 2000, XP, 2003 all work as expected, but when you input the EXACT same configuration in to 2007 either our concentrator or the exchange server will not accept their user name/password for the incoming mail box.  The strange thing is you can send mail and you can log into the concentrator directly so I know the issue is specific to the way 2007 is trying to authenticate with our exchange machine... but how much different could it be???!!  Outlook express works fine...  PLEASE HELP... I tried to talk to microsoft about this and Dell they are both clueless... am I just crazy???  ô¿ô



David Overton wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Thu, Aug 9 2007 8:02 PM


go find the Mail Logging options and turn it on (Tools / Options, Other Tab, Advanced Options button)  Have a read through the log or send it to me as an e-mail (address at the top of the page).



Saj wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Wed, Aug 15 2007 3:00 PM

I want to use outlook 07 when im traveling for all my mails but eventhough i can receive emails using:

pop3: pop.mail.yahoo.co.uk

I can not send any emails, my current settings for smtp are:


Can anyone pls advise what i can do?



Loretta Reeves wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Tue, Aug 21 2007 8:12 PM

I have been using Outlook 2007 since mid-May. Randomly, when I send an e-mail and get a response, I do not get the recipient's response--only the heading from the recipient and the original e-mail I sent--no text at all from sender. Have you heard from anyone about this problem?

This is very frustrating. I have been able to find this problem posted on several blogs, but I can't seem to find a solution. My small business does use a POP3/smtp configuration.

Richard Walthers wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Wed, Aug 22 2007 10:57 PM

I like Outlook 07, but am having some questions about why large messages just sit in the 'outbox' and keep resending without ever having been shown as actually being sent.  I mean... they just sit there and sit there and sit there, and the program keeps resending them and resending them and resending them.  Small messages, just a few .k in size are no issue, but anything that approaches a half meg in size (and larger) just sits there, and ends up going out multiple times.  I've had some cases where I've hit send for a file, gone into the other room and a half hour later come back to my office only to find the darn file is still in the outbox.  Fortunately, the person (people) who've received those particular files were friends and not business associates and they understood what happened, even if they received 10 or more copies of the same 5 MB thing.  But in a case that really mattered... it could end up costing me tons of money and customers.  Does anybody have any suggestions as to what's happening?


Richard Walthers

Joe Grant wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Fri, Aug 24 2007 11:52 PM

Hi David,

I am having a problem best described as follows:

I have two operating systems on my PC (waiting for Vista to settle!) and toggle from one to the other (Close down-restart). The original one is XP Professional and I use Outlook 2007. The other is VISTA Ultimate for which I also use Outlook 2007. My email is POP/SMTP. I can do everything with both except that with Vista, all sent items just sit in the Outbox. I'm getting some message about problems with authentication at the server. I have to toggle back to XP and it goes out immediately. This happens to all types/sizes/. Can you help?

Chris wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Sun, Sep 9 2007 10:45 AM

For those of you with the yahoo POP issues.


David Overton wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Sun, Sep 9 2007 12:37 PM

Chris, thanks for the link - I think it more or less says what I had said in the Yahoo Mail section on this site.



Phyl Janes wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Mon, Sep 10 2007 2:45 AM

When I  loaded outlook 2007 on a new machine running vista with a temp outlook program. I now get a repeating request for logon " enter network password" all the time every 20 seconds or so.

Andy wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Fri, Sep 14 2007 12:59 PM

I too have been cursed by this problem...

"Phyl Janes said:

When I  loaded outlook 2007 on a new machine running vista with a temp outlook program. I now get a repeating request for logon " enter network password" all the time every 20 seconds or so.

September 10, 2007 2:45 AM"

Any ideas?

John W wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Sat, Sep 29 2007 4:22 PM

Hi Guys - Hi David. Great thread, but I have to say I think there is more going on than meets the eye...

Here's my situation and what I have tried so far:

Brand new laptop, 0MB PST file, Vista Ultimate, Outlook 2K7. I set up an account in Outlook 2K7 to my bog standard POP3 account that has always worked. It starts to download my first email then just hangs. So I thought I would try Windows Mail - same deal. Still works fine on my old XP machine.

So has installing Office 2K7 broken email in Windows Mail, or would it just have not worked anyway? Has anyone else verified that they see the same problems in Windows Mail as they do in Outlook 2K7?

And here's the thing that will really screw with your head - I have since discovered that it is dependant as to what network I am logged into as to whether or not I suffer these problems - I presume all posting here are using a single network and haven't tried using their computer elsewhere? If I use my laptop at home, all works fine, but in the office it just won't download new emails.

Now I know someone is going to tell me that it's firewalls etc. on our corporate LAN, but I'm the CIO there - I know what the topology is, as I created it - we have all outbound ports open, and I am not being proxied or anything. I have tried with and without my AV software running, but all I can think is that it has to be something to do with the new MS TCP/IP stack screwing port 25 / 110 connections / there has to be somthing about it that is not compatible with our Cisco routers at work, but works fine with my 3Com Office Connect router I use at home...

Incedentally I had to turn off IPv6 when I first installed the machine, in order to actually get it to browse the internet (installed at work, so it seems the default IPv6 on setting is not liked by our Cisco gear either), and I also had to turn off the Windows Firewall in order to be able to join the domain...

So - is Outlook 2007 really to blame? is the MS TCP/IP stack in Vista screwed? Is it a combination of all of the above? and is there a solution?


David Overton wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Sat, Sep 29 2007 4:36 PM


did you know that you can't really turn of IPv6... IPv4 on Vista is proxied through the IPv6 subsystem, but lets not get hung up on that yet - I think I know what you did in the network properties :-)

Back to your network - I think Vista is upsetting your work routers.  Try this command to see if it makes life easier?

netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=disabled



John W wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Mon, Oct 1 2007 6:16 PM

Man your a genious - that worked!

I had to elevate the command and run it as an administrator but it worked a treat.

Wasn't aware of the IPV6 / V4 on vista - but I am sooo glad it's all working now.

So any chance of an explanation as to what exactly was going on that caused the problem?

Thanks David!


Jose Moran wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Wed, Oct 3 2007 1:15 AM

I had this same problem with messages not going out in Outlook 2007 and just sitting in the Outgoing folder. I have this problem whenever I use a wireless connection, and what I have done is to change the SMTP port from 25 to 587. I'm not sure why it works, I think it has to do with some ISPs blocking the default port. At least it's easy to try!

Good luck!


Ali Sale wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Fri, Oct 5 2007 3:33 PM

I am also having these problems running Office 2007 and Vista.  

I can send emails through all of my POP3 accounts.  I have POP3 accounts through one ISP based in Cyprus, and other POP3 accounts through our business mail servers in San Diego.  I can only send through the San Diego servers, and I can't receive.  

This problem suddenly started this morning.  I have a colleague in the UK who has exactly the same problem.  My colleague here in the office has an XP machine, and uses the same two different POP3 services that I do, and is having no problems at all.  He is still using Office 2003 SP2.  I have also tried the 'netsh' fix as documented in several different places, but that makes no difference.

Anyone got any more updates on what might be done by Microsoft (or whoever eventually takes responsibility for this problem).

David Overton wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Tue, Oct 9 2007 7:28 PM


I need you to contact me urgently so I can offer you some support and get this issue diagnosed.  [email protected].



Lori Decter wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Sun, Oct 14 2007 10:45 AM

I am having the exact same issue as Richard Walthers posted above, in August:

I like Outlook 07, but am having some questions about why large messages just sit in the 'outbox' and keep resending without ever having been shown as actually being sent.  I mean... they just sit there and sit there and sit there, and the program keeps resending them and resending them and resending them.  Small messages, just a few .k in size are no issue, but anything that approaches a half meg in size (and larger) just sits there, and ends up going out multiple times.  I've had some cases where I've hit send for a file, gone into the other room and a half hour later come back to my office only to find the darn file is still in the outbox.  Fortunately, the person (people) who've received those particular files were friends and not business associates and they understood what happened, even if they received 10 or more copies of the same 5 MB thing.  But in a case that really mattered... it could end up costing me tons of money and customers.  Does anybody have any suggestions as to what's happening?

Do you have solution or suggestion to remedy this problem?  An email I sent last Wednesday is appearing in my husband's inbox every 2 minutes!  He has received the same email at least 100 times even though I deleted it from my mail and it only shows in my Sent File as going out ONCE!

David Overton wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Mon, Nov 19 2007 4:17 PM

[:'(] to Big Smile

So you have reached the end and don't think you have a solution yet.  This is what I need you to do:

e-mail me

I will then ask for some more information and we can see whether together we can solve the issue.



Mark wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Fri, Nov 23 2007 7:39 PM

Hello, apologies if this seems like a stupid question or if it's been already covered previously in the thread. So much to read ARGH!! Anyway I have installed Office 2K7 on my friends PC, they are using a BT Voyager 205 ADSL Router. It was originally connected via a USB cable which I changed today to an Ethernet but unfortunately had to reverse this procedure due to the connection not being detected. Connection now up and running the problem exists with recieving of emails from an (@btinternet.com) address within Outlook 2K7. Please please help if possible and again apologes if this is a newbie waste of your time, gotta learn somehow though hey! I had read that rolling back the Outlook version back to 2K3 would possibly sort the problem out but alas I do not know how to roll it back without losing all of Office 2K7. Thanks for any help that may be forthcoming. Regards a very frustrated person.

Trev Ford wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Mon, Dec 3 2007 6:56 PM

I am having similar probs but have not the IT knowledge to understand the above. I have loaded  Outlook 2007 on my new Vista PC - have not chaanged anything in my e mail account but can only receive and not send. The issue seems to be with smtp which in my case is the same out and in address. This is not a problem with either Outlook Express or Outlook 2003 at home - help, help  me Rhondda!  

David Overton's Blog wrote Things that have fixed peoples problem running Office on Vista
on Tue, Dec 4 2007 7:33 AM

From the blog entry I published on How to get rid of the installer / configuration dialog when running

Ed Cox wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Thu, Jan 31 2008 4:20 PM


I stumbled onto this dialogue using a Google search - Outlook 2007 will NOW send but not receive through btinternet connection.

This problem started last week - one evening - about 6 weeks after we replaced Office 2003 with a brand new HP box.

Everything was fine. 07 found the pst archives and mail (of which I use a lot) was flowing in and out with attachments and all my usual workload.

Then a few wobbles in Windows and then "send and receive error". We reverted to reading and running our mail online through BTYahoo but it is very risky and not at all professional.

Last night Outlook 07 decided to send some mail - but no receiving.

I am not technical - I am a humble surveyor trying to keep ahead of my competitors with the best technology I can afford.

Do you have any suggestions? The swiftness of the change in 07 is really unsettleing.


Ed Cox

Mike Faden wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Mon, Feb 18 2008 5:21 PM

Hi David can you help?

I have an outlook 2007/yahoo mail plus problem which appears to differ from the others I've read about at this site.

Everything worked fine for months, then I started experiencing big delays. I receive mail speedily and reliably but sending from outlook via yahoo can take 6-12 hours.

Initially, I had used the outlook automated account  setup to configure it to send/receive mail from yahoo

When I started experiencing problems, I examined the settings and found that they were completely different from those specified by yahoo. I then changed the account settings to those specified in yahoo's instructions (port 995/465, SSL, etc. Still get delays. The "test account settings " box tells me that everything worked fine; however the test message sent by outlook also is delayed and doesn't show up in yahoo for hours. If I use the browser to log directly into yahoo mail and send email, that email is received instantly by yahoo; same goes for mail that I send to an account that forwards automatically to my yahoo mail plus account. I had norton antivirus installed but have now removed it. My pst file is 845,000-odd kb.

Any ideas? this is driving me nuts

thanks very much

Mike Faden

mikefaden at yahoo dot com

JAL wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Wed, Feb 27 2008 7:23 PM

I have the exact same problem as Mike Faden. I have changed the port numerous times and nothing works. Any suggestions?  

James Cohoon wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Sun, Mar 23 2008 7:11 PM

Hi David,

I just installed Office Ultimate 2007 and am having some real problems with Outlook.  I am unable to empty the deleted items folder.  When I try to do so, I get the message "the messaging interface has returned an unknown error.  If problem persists, restart outlook".  Restarting outlook does not solve the problem.

In addition, when I try to send an email, the email sits in the outbox folder and does not move to the sent folder even though it says "send/receive complete.  Also duing this time the icon on the toolbar for Microsoft Outlook is synchronizing folder continues to flash very rapidly.

Based on your experience does a fix for these problems come to mind?  Oh one other thing, outlook seems to function very slowly.

Thanks in advance for your help.

James Cohoon

Tracey Freeman wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Tue, Apr 8 2008 8:42 AM


Like many of the contributors here I am running my consulting company on Vista and Outlook 2007 and any mail message approaching 500kb or greater gets stuck in the outbox and sends it many times to my hapless clients, but still shows it as unsent. I end up having to disconnect and move the message to deleted items then call and apologise to my clients for reeiving multiple messages! Any fixes yet?



David Overton wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Tue, Apr 8 2008 8:50 AM


have you loaded SP1 of Office 2007?  If so, please contact at the address above so we can get this looked at by support.



JulieM wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Thu, Apr 24 2008 2:05 AM

I am having a similar but different problem.  I am using Outlook2003 with Vista.  I have been doing this for several months without any problems.  All of a sudden on 4/16 it stopped being able to RECEIVE emails, but I can still send from my POP email account through GoDaddy.  If I go into the account, the test settings all work.  The same account is working fine on another machine that is running XP.  I called GoDaddy and everything is on their end.  I tried the command prompt you suggested [...disable] didn't work.  I tried turning off my antivirus program (PCTools), no dice.  I read the Linksys wifi routers could be an issue so I plugged my computer directly into the cable- didn't work.  There was some sort of MS OUtlook update that uploaded on the 10th, but my problem began on the 16th, so not sure if it could be related.  Is there anything you can recommend?  HELP!!!!!!

Alan McQuillan wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Tue, Apr 29 2008 7:52 AM

Sorry but can anyone help me with this one?

I have Office 97 and Norton 360 installed on my 1 year old PC running XP

Since installing Outlook I have had some email send / receive problems


If I receive an email and then try to forward it to someone else or reply to sender, soimetimemy email will not transmit. It just sits in the Outbox and never goes.


Every time I  try to send emails it takes a very long time. If for example there is 1 email in the Outbox and I press Send / Recieve Outlook will show at the bottom right that it is transmissing messages. At the time of first installation the number of these emssages it as sending was aroun 7 or 8 but this has now grown to 19. I have no idea at all what these messages are or where they are. They are not in my Outbox and  I assume they dont exist at all! Sometimes it takes about 5 mins or more to go through this and then Outlook sends my messages and downloads  any incoming mail. However sometimes it just wont send / receive and the only solution seems to be a reboot. Its driving me mad!!! I have reinstalled Outlook and Norton but its still the same.

Any ideas?

Alan McQuillan wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Tue, Apr 29 2008 1:06 PM

Sorry for being stupid above!It should read that I have Office 2007 and Norton 360!

Keren Winmill wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Fri, May 9 2008 6:28 PM


Can you help? I have just bought a new laptop with Outlook 2007  installed.  I use BT as my ISP but I run my consultancy using a domain name and e-mail provided by fasthosts. Business mail comes in to my Outlook using that address fine, but I cannot configure outlook to appear as if my replies are coming from that address. I have configured it in exactly the same way (my son has my old laptop so he has given me the settings) but it doesn't work. Oulook 07 allows you to put in a "reply to" option but it doesn't show up in the header of sent e-mails.

Any ideas?  Many thanks. It is frustrating

Charles Levine wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Wed, May 21 2008 10:39 AM

Hi David,

My problem appears to be similar to everyone else's but here goes...

Running XP SP2, Office 2007, SQL Server 2005, Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0  My pst file is 601Mb.  A week ago my laptop died - thankfully I was aware of its impending demise and backed everything relevant to my NAS box.  I'm now using an older laptop  as above (the only difference is my own laptop didn't have SQL Server).

I use O2 broadband as my ISP and 1and1 as my mail & domain host.  Since setting up outlook on the older laptop I can receive e-mails no problem but am unable to send any (reply, forward or new; with or without attachments) and get a 0x800ccc0f error message.  My wife uses outlook 2007 on Vista and has no problems and I've checked and re-checked the settings and there's not a dot out of place.


Charles Levine wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Wed, May 21 2008 10:58 AM

Ok, now I feel really stupid.   Thought I'd just triple check against my wife's settings after sending my post and discovered I'd forgotten to change the outgoing port number.

Clearly I needed your intellectual power to nudge me in the right direction!


ali wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Sun, May 25 2008 11:56 AM

Hello, I am using yahoo small business email and i configure outlook 2007 to send and recieve mail. i have PST file of that account which i export it but when i do send and recieve it download all the email from the begaining, can u guide me what should i do.

vicki wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Tue, May 27 2008 4:15 AM

I started experiencing issues with Outlook 2007 over the last month or so, as well. I’ve been using it since October last year when I bought a new PC. Receiving is working fine but sending is another thing. I keep getting preparing to send/receive but nothing happens. I’ve deleted my account and recreated and it works for a day and then stops again. On occasion, I’ll get an error prompting that it can’t find the server and other times, I get send/receive complete but nothing leaves the outbox. Today, people have said they’re receiving my emails but they’re still sitting in my outbox and my sent mail is empty. I blind carboned myself on a few and haven’t received those. I have Earthlink and if I go to web mail, it’s fine. I prefer Outlook because I save my email as .msg files and can’t save files on webmail.

Any suggestions for a fix?

Eric Doughty wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Fri, Jun 13 2008 8:59 AM

David I was hoping that you can help, I use BTYahoo to send/rx e-mail but want to use Microsoft Outlook 2007, I can receieve e-mail into my Outllook Account but when I attempt to send get a pop up box asking me to confirm my password and the e-mail is placed in the Outbox and never transmitted. I have tried sending a test but to no avail I am using an Acer 9300 Aspire laptop and VIsta. Nothing I seem to do resolves this issue and help files  with BTYahoo do not cover Microsoft Outlook 2007. Help !

Peter Iddon wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Fri, Jun 13 2008 1:09 PM

I have been having problems with Outlook 2007 and stumbled across this page.  Although I didn't find a solution to this problem, I might be able to help those that have been suffering from the "multiple copies of sent email":

I read somewhere else that this can occur for emails above a certain size causing a server timeout, and is affected by email server usage/speed and internet connection speed/usage.  In Outlook 2007, go to Tools > Account Settings and double-click on your account.  Click on More Settings and then the Advanced tab.  Increase the Server Timeouts slider to the maximum (10 minutes).

I don't know if something similar would work for other versions of Outlook.

PS. David, you're a credit to Microsoft!

J. Key wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Fri, Jun 20 2008 3:22 PM

I'm at my wit's end, I've called everyone  can think  of  to no avail.  

MS Outlook Express holds my outgoing emails in the out box and then sends them to the recipient every 2 minutes withou ever indicating to me that they've been sent. I've upgraded my virus software, bought an error expert program, called MS (which ended in them having me uncheck a box in the accounts/advanced section and worked momentarily but then stopped working after right after) I've contacted my ISP and they didn't have a clue.  I'm about to fork out for a geek.   Please help.  I work from home and this computer is 100% of my income.


Terrie Riley wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Mon, Jun 30 2008 4:25 AM

I am having the reverse problem.  I just bought a new computer with vista and outlook 2007.  I am using Cox.  I cannot send e-mails. When I test, I get the error that the server cannot be found.  I can delete mail in the outbox,  if it does go it comes back undeliverable.  Cox and Acer could not help.  Your thoughts would be appreciated.

Terrie Riley

Ciro wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Tue, Jul 8 2008 1:49 PM

I need an answer please. when i try to empty deleted items folder in outlook 2007 i get " the messaging interface has retuned an unknown error. If problem persists restart outlook.  What do I do to resdolve this problem?

Madman wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Sat, Jul 12 2008 7:17 PM

I am trying to configure Outlook 2007 to POP email from a Bellsouth account. I have previously configured this account on an Outlook 2000 box and it works just fine for several years now. With 2007 I am able to download all incoming mail but I am not able to send any mail no matter the size and I get a send error from Outlook. I tried calling Bellsouth and they were no help. I also tried calling Dell and Microsoft but neither were able to give me any suggestions to fix the problem. I am about to go mad with this stinking machine and software!!!

Mobin Patel wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Thu, Aug 21 2008 8:04 PM

okay been messing around with outlook 2007 for two days now

like everone could recieve but not send

finally got some settings to work!!

these are

name: name

e mail address: [email protected]

incoming mail server: pop.mail.yahoo.com

outgoing mail server smtp.mail.yahoo.co.uk

username :username ([email protected])


outgoing server: requires smtp, ticked and use same settings as incoming

advanced: pop3 port 995, ssl ticked, smtp port 587 encrypted connection, AUTO

and it worked for me and i am not touching the settings again!!!

Tara wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Wed, Sep 3 2008 12:15 PM

hello please help i have set up my outlook 2007 email but when sending emails all my replys got to my boss not me so not sure if i have set this up right. we are using virgin pop3. blueyonder thanks

frodofrod wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Mon, Sep 22 2008 12:29 PM

I have a problem with Outlook 2007 and Yahoo/BT which is similar to the above but subtly different.

Most of the time all works fine, but every now and then a specific message will fail to downlaod, and blocks all other downloads. After 5 mins (timeout is set to 4, but hey, so what?) the receive fails. Next run, same happens again, and again, Sometimes the message is actually downloaded, sometimes not, so I may end up with dozens of copies. Sometimes it does successfully complete, and all is well again. If I remove the offending message from the server inbox using webmail, all is OK. Put it back, same problem. No obvious common factors in the messages that cause this. Same happens on my wife's pc and account, but she has Outlook 2003. First happened in Novenber 2007. No useful response from Yahoo. Any ideas?

George wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Thu, Sep 25 2008 12:49 AM

My wife's company provided her with a new Dell laptop reasonably well powered running XP and Office 2007. Outlook ran well for several months but has become a major productivity problem recently.  While receiving messages from the corporate server, all other functionality appears to hang.  It may take twenty to 30 seconds to receive four or five messages of 400KB total. I have disabled all of the add on's except for a few.  Media Direct it was not installed on this computer by Dell. I have moved messages from the inbox to other folders .  The PST file is only 500MB in size. Does anyone have other ideas on what might be the solution to this problem?  Thanks much.        

sandy wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Wed, Oct 22 2008 3:40 AM

i get the error message of 0x800ccc81, it didn't happen when i first set up my outlook 2007.  worked at home but now that i am traveling for business, my outgoing e-mail DO NOT work when i am connected to hotel's wireless connection......it's making me crazy.  I am not goood w/ computers at all, pls give me step by step instructions...thank you.  also, if it would help you, outbok is empty but it shows that i am sending messge 1 of 4, then the error message shows.  i am also experiencing difficulties when sending large files (over 1/2 meg), it gets stuck in the outbox but it's actually sent out.  i need to send to my own hotmail account just to make sure.....pls help

Hugh Byars wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Mon, Jan 26 2009 7:26 PM

am having the exact same issue as Richard Walthers posted above, in August 2007and Lori Decter & Jose Moran, posted in October of : I noted several others reporting difficulty in sending large files.  I am having the same problem, anything over 500KB sits in the outbox unsent until I delete the message.  This is a serious issue when your work requires transmitting large graphic files.  I have seen no solution posted.

Is no solution available?

Sandy Stelter wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Fri, Feb 13 2009 2:19 AM

David -- thank you for providing some help.  I use Outlook 2007 and Vista Ultimate and since day one - mid 2008, Outlook will simply crash and a little bubble in the System Tray will say that it encountered an error and needs to fix itself.  Outlook 2007 will simply not start back up for hours and sometimes days.  I can't even get it to start in Safe Mode.

I've got Outllook Tool 2.1 which repairs the PST file - it says it is and sometimes Outlook will then load but most of the time it doesn't.  I've deleted add-ins to no avail.  I'm a small business owner and having Outlook 2007 for days is really a problem.

Do you have an recommendations or fixes?  I know other professionals who are having the same problem.  Outlook crashes and will not load until it's ready.  Very frustrating!


Rajesh wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Thu, Aug 12 2010 7:15 AM

I have problems with outlook 2007 pop configuration, When connected with some hotel connections mails are not being sent to our own domain, it bounces back. (All the other details checked like authentication,firewall port blocking etc)..

Is it because it is windows 7 with office 2007? Any fixes

David Overton wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Fri, Sep 3 2010 11:15 PM


How big is your PST file - I've seen this when the file is massive?



David Overton wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Fri, Sep 3 2010 11:16 PM


Windows 7 with Office 2007 would not have an impact.  Could you forward me a bounce e-mail.  I suspect it is your ISP that is causing the problem.

Please send to [email protected]



Dan wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Fri, Oct 22 2010 1:50 AM

Windows Vista Home

Outlook 2007

I've read all this, tried switching settings/ports, tried calling my company, my company's email provider, bellsouth, but no one can get Outlook 2007 to send company email from Outlook - can't connect to outgoing server.  Everything else is fine (receives and sends .bellsouth/.att/.yahoo email, recieves company email, but will not send with company email.  Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks!

Janine wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Tue, Apr 3 2012 1:49 PM

Hi David,

I have earthlink. I am running outlook 2007 on windows xp.

When I left work on Friday March 30th I could send and receive mail.

When I came in today I can only send and I cannot receive email from my earthlink account.

No one had been at my computer.  I get my earthlink mail on another computer at home and on my android phone.

What happened and how can I fix it?

I have deleted my email account and added it again.

I have talked to earthlink they could not help me

All settings and ports are set exactly like my phone and home computer.  I have turned off all firewalls.  Nothing works.

Janine McHenry

David Overton wrote re: Outlook 2007 POP3 performance issues and potential fixes - Roundtrip Solutions Blog
on Tue, Jun 5 2012 10:35 AM


first off, do not turn off the firewall - always a bad idea and especially if you are using the built in Microsoft one, it is not going to be the problem.

You can test the basic connectivity from your computer using telnet.

Open a cmd prompt and type telnet.  If it does not work, it will need to be added and this can be done by executing the command:

pkgmgr /iu:"TelnetClient"

Then type

telnet <pop server name or IP address> 110

this should get you in.  then if not prompted:

USER <username>

PASS <password>

Then LIST will show you a list of messages

RETR <n> will retrieve message number <n>

If all this works then Outlook may be an issue.  If any of this fails then your mail server has the problem.



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