This site is my way to share my views and general business and IT information with you about Microsoft, IT solutions for ISVs, technologists and businesses, large and small.  
Action Pack Subscribers get Full Windows Vista DVDs - not upgrades and they also get a copy of Ultimate too, plus a stack of materials to sell the product

Full, not Upgrade Vista product

Well anyone who says we don't listen is just talking rubbish!!  What am I talking about - I'm talking about the Action Pack and Windows.  We moved to non OEM media and boy did it cause a stink, but that has changed again.

According to Important changes for Action Pack Subscribers regarding Windows Vista while you are still required to have a legal license for a machine (FPP or OEM) you can now apply full copies (i.e. do a bare metal install) without having to do a double install.  There are also a stack of sales materials coming too (I've copied some of the points from the link below):

Partner feedback has enabled Microsoft to make the Windows Vista operating system even better. Now you can reap the benefits. Sell more with hardware, software and services built around Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 (SP1). And learn how we're making it easier than ever for you to learn, use and sell Windows Vista.

Based on partner feedback, we've taken action to improve the partner experience in support of Windows Vista:

  • Mid-March 2008 delivery of Microsoft Windows Vista Business with SP1 in a special Action Pack shipment to partners worldwide. To make it easier for you to deploy the final release of Windows Vista SP1 for internal use, all subscribers will receive full code*. Not currently an Action Pack subscriber? Find out how to subscribe. New subscribers will receive Windows Vista with SP1 as part of the April 2008 Welcome Kit.

  • One licence for Windows Vista Ultimate with SP1 (full code*) for internal use, so you can discuss this product's benefits and features with customers who need a single PC to fulfil their work, travel and entertainment needs. This software will be delivered in the regular Action Pack quarterly update (April 2008) for current subscribers and for new Action Pack subscribers starting in April 2008.

  • A comprehensive set of readiness resources to arm you to sell and support Windows Vista SP1 solutions for your small- or medium-size-business customers as momentum builds.

  • Exciting incentives and promotions that reward you for learning, using and selling SP1.

*Note: You will receive full code, but the licence is an upgrade to Windows Vista with SP1. This means that you must have licenced a qualified full desktop PC operating system on the device before you are eligible to install the full version of Windows Vista Small Business with SP1 on that same device. This software is for your organisation's internal installation only and may not be installed on any other computer outside your organisation on either a permanent or a temporary basis.

By installing the Window Vista code, you acknowledge that you will install this full version of Windows Vista for your organisation's own internal use, only on desktops for which your organisation has acquired one of the following:

  • A full licence for Windows XP Professional (or earlier version of Vista) through an OEM, a retail source (full packaged product), or an active Microsoft Action Pack subscription.

  • A qualifying operating system licence and a Volume Licensing Windows XP Professional Upgrade licence.

Any other installation of this software is in violation of your Action Pack initiative agreement and applicable copyright law.

Help to sell Vista

I hate it when people say "I've heard Vista is bad" when they have not tried it. OK, so I would not run it for anything but a light weight user with 1GB of RAM, but my wife and daughter love it, as does my mum and Dad.  To help overcome some of the rumours, besides making it easier for you to install the software, Microsoft have released a number of other tools to help you sell it:

For small Businesses

Learn It

Windows Vista Opportunity Sweepstakes
Do you know your opportunity promoting the Windows Vista operating system? Take a 10-question quiz to find out and you'll be instantly entered to win a cooler or an Amazon.com gift certificate valued at US$75. Official rules.
Overview of Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Whitepaper
Consult this in-depth whitepaper to explore enhancements found in Windows Vista SP1.
Windows Vista SP1: Notable Changes
Find in-depth information about enhancements in Windows Vista SP1, such as increased reliability and support for new types of hardware.
Partner Opportunities with Windows Vista Course
Take this course to get a better understanding of the value that Windows Vista offers you and your customers. Learn to identify the new features and capabilities of Windows Vista. How to leverage these capabilities to best address customer needs. And how to handle licensing and deployment issues.
Windows Vista 101 Course
Get step-by-step training in the basics of the Windows Vista operating system.

Try It

SP1 Technical Deployment Guide
Prepare to plan for and deploy Windows Vista SP1. Guide walks you through various deployment methods for Windows Vista SP1 and which download vehicle is best for your scenario.
Windows Vista SP1 Activation Guide Consult this guide for a quick overview of basic configurations and best practices for activating the Windows Vista operating system in an extended enterprise.
Windows Vista Volume Activation for Customers FAQ
Windows Vista Volume Activation for Partners FAQ
Prepare for customer questions and increase your knowledge of the Volume Activation process for the Windows Vista operating system with these lists of frequently asked questions.

Sell It

Get up to date on the latest features of Windows Vista SP1 and find new selling opportunities that it offers. Take advantage of the most recent marketing tools, collateral and communications material to start selling Windows Vista immediately. Make sure to check back regularly to get the latest items, like ad flyers, posters and email templates.
Windows Vista SP1 Execution Guide
This guide discusses how you can use the marketing materials provided to sell more software and services related to Windows Vista SP1, as well as PCs preinstalled with Windows Vista with SP1.
Windows Vista Quick Reference Card
Get an at-a-glance list of the top-five reasons to upgrade to Windows Vista Business or Windows Vista Ultimate - and always have it at your fingertips.
Windows Vista SP1 FAQ
Find answers to your customers' most common questions about Windows Vista SP1.
Windows Vista Customer Brochure
Showcase the value of the Windows Vista operating system to customers. Brochure compares features and functionality of Windows Vista and Windows XP Professional.

For Medium sized businesses and Enterprises

Learn It

Overview of Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Whitepaper
Consult this in-depth whitepaper to explore enhancements found in Windows Vista SP1.
Windows Vista SP1: Notable Changes
Find in-depth information about enhancements to Windows Vista with SP1, such as increased reliability and support for new types of hardware.
Will Windows Vista SP1 Change the Game? IT pros: Get straight answers to your questions about changes found in Windows Vista SP1, explore application and hardware compatibility considerations and find deployment process guidance.

Try It

Windows Vista SP1 Technical Deployment Guide
Prepare to plan for and deploy Windows Vista SP1. Guide walks you through various deployment methods for Windows Vista SP1 and which download vehicle is best for your scenario.
Windows Vista SP1 Activation Guide Consult this guide for a quick overview of basic configurations and best practices for activating the Windows Vista operating system in an extended enterprise.
Windows Vista Volume Activation for Customers FAQ
Windows Vista Volume Activation for Partners FAQ
Prepare for customer questions and increase your knowledge of the Volume Activation process for the Windows Vista operating system with these lists of frequently asked questions.
Windows Desktop Deployment Specialisation Data Sheet
Explore your opportunity to capitalise on the US$59 billion partner-services opportunity around the Windows Vista operating system. Learn how enrolling in the Windows Desktop Deployment specialisation - within the Advanced Infrastructure Solutions competency - can help.

Sell It

Windows Vista SP1 FAQ
Find answers to your customers' most common questions about Windows Vista SP1.
Windows Vista SP1 Partner-Customer Discussion Guide
This guide can help you understand Windows Vista SP1 components and advantages, hone your sales pitch and respond to sales objections.
Windows Vista Partner Value Proposition
Get the latest sales and market-readiness numbers - just in time for Windows Vista SP1.
Windows Vista Deployment Case Studies Learn what customers are saying about their Windows Vista deployment experiences, benefits and returns on investment. Get ready to show your customers how upgrading can benefit their organisations.
Windows Vista SP1 and Microsoft Desktop Optimisation Pack
Bundle your Windows Vista deployments with Microsoft Desktop Optimisation Pack to meet your customers' needs and increase your profit margins.


Anyway, that is the good and great news, now back to my weekend



Posted Sat, Mar 8 2008 8:43 PM by David Overton


David Overton's Blog wrote Windows Vista, Windows XP, Office 2003, Exchange 2007 and Office 2007 Action Pack Update - my FAQ
on Sat, Mar 8 2008 9:38 PM

[last updated 8th Mar 2008 Please read uksbsguy.com/.../action-pack

The Official Blog of the SBS "Diva" wrote Vista and Action pack
on Sat, Mar 8 2008 11:26 PM

Any day now the Vista wtih SP1 should arrive on your doorstep. If you are reading this blog, sell services

MVPs wrote Vista and Action pack
on Sun, Mar 9 2008 12:20 AM

Any day now the Vista wtih SP1 should arrive on your doorstep. If you are reading this blog, sell services

Major Action Pack changes at BMS Blog: SBS Consulting in the UK wrote Major Action Pack changes at BMS Blog: SBS Consulting in the UK
on Sun, Mar 9 2008 9:17 AM

Pingback from  Major Action Pack changes at  BMS Blog: SBS Consulting in the UK

Action Pack Changes « Andys Techie Blog wrote Action Pack Changes « Andys Techie Blog
on Sun, Mar 9 2008 2:54 PM

Pingback from  Action Pack Changes « Andys Techie Blog

Tim Long wrote Action Pack Changes
on Sun, Mar 9 2008 4:05 PM

As you can see at David Overton's blog, Microsoft partners will once again be getting the full-install

Dag Staale Jenssen wrote Flott – MS gjør en endring i Action Pack når det gjelder Vista
on Sun, Mar 9 2008 11:58 PM

Action Pack abonnenter vil i april 2008 få en full Windows Vista DVD (ikke en oppgradering) og vi får en full kopi av Ultimate også. Det står å lese på David Overton’s Blog. ...

» Changes to Action Pack wrote » Changes to Action Pack
on Tue, Mar 11 2008 2:19 PM

Pingback from  » Changes to Action Pack

Oliver Sharpe wrote re: Action Pack Subscribers get Full Windows Vista DVDs - not upgrades and they also get a copy of Ultimate too, plus a stack of materials to sell the product
on Fri, Apr 4 2008 12:31 PM

Got my new 'FULL' version yesterday - it is now a 'FULL CODE Upgrade Version'  You still need to have a prior authorised OS installed and to start the install from that OS.  Apparently it is illegal to do a bare metal install and has been for some time.  So where were we with XP pro, then.  I feel utterly conned after all this talk of FULL versions on the way.  We need to do bare metal installs. Period.  Microsoft has literally made things worse not better.  I just can't believe it.

David Overton wrote re: Action Pack Subscribers get Full Windows Vista DVDs - not upgrades and they also get a copy of Ultimate too, plus a stack of materials to sell the product
on Tue, Apr 8 2008 8:02 AM


I am awaiting a kit, so have not yet tested this, butthe requirement to OWN an OS for the machine you are planning on doing a bare metal install from is not new and has been around for years.  This could be a copy of Windows as shipped with the hardware, but does not need to be installed.

With this version, you can now boot from the DVD and do the install - or that was what I was told.  So, you can still practise or use your bare metal installs, but you must have had a license for that machine in the form of any version of Windows.

Previously, while all the requirements were the same, you could not even perform a bare metal install.

Could you do me a favour and check if a bare metal, boot from the DVD is possible with the version you have now got?



MAP subscriber #xxxxxxxxxx wrote re: Action Pack Subscribers get Full Windows Vista DVDs - not upgrades and they also get a copy of Ultimate too, plus a stack of materials to sell the product
on Tue, Apr 15 2008 7:27 AM

I just got my Jan 2008 action pack welcome kit.

Well, the 64-bit Vista DVDs allow an "almost bare-metal install." You boot the DVD-media, it checks for a 'qualifying O/S installation' (on any hard-drive partition it can see, not just your current bootable partition), then lets you proceed to run the installation anywhere.  (This was true for the MAP's Vista Business 64-bit DVD, and my separately purchased Home Premium Upgrade 64-bit DVD.)

The 32-bit Vista Business DVD (from MAP) still forces you to run the installation from the O/S (XP Pro, in my case.)

So far, of the promotional/NFD/NFR Vista DVDs I've come across, only the "Heroes Happens Here"  Vista Ultimate SP1 DVD (32-bit) comes with a full retail key.  (Strangely, that retail-key only works on the  HHH Vista SP1 DVD -- it didn't work on the original Vista retail DVDs.)  

David Overton wrote re: Action Pack Subscribers get Full Windows Vista DVDs - not upgrades and they also get a copy of Ultimate too, plus a stack of materials to sell the product
on Tue, Apr 15 2008 7:32 AM


so the behaviour I was explecting was a bare metal install ... I need to double check on this.  Also, MAPS subscriber ... do you mean Jan or April kit?  It is the April kit that contains the new DVDs

MAP subscriber #xxxxxxxxxx wrote re: Action Pack Subscribers get Full Windows Vista DVDs - not upgrades and they also get a copy of Ultimate too, plus a stack of materials to sell the product
on Wed, Apr 16 2008 3:38 AM

When I posted about the 32-bit and 64-bit Vista DVDs, I was referring to the Jan 2008 "Welcome kit." (I started subscription just before April 1!)  My welcome kit came with Vista Business 32-bit and 64-bit DVDs (pre-SP1.)

From what I understand, the CD-key tells the installer what installation-options to allow:

Upgrade CD-key locks in 'upgrade-mode.'  And a full cd-key allows any installation-mode.  So I eagerly await my April 2008 update kit.

David Overton wrote re: Action Pack Subscribers get Full Windows Vista DVDs - not upgrades and they also get a copy of Ultimate too, plus a stack of materials to sell the product
on Tue, Apr 22 2008 10:25 AM

I can confirm that I did a bare metal install without issue using the UK April Action Pack CDs.



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